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loomedai's avatar

Last Login: 03/16/2020 10:40 am

Registered: 03/01/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Denmark

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ME,me,moi, myself >_<

Hello everybody.

If you managed to stumble upon my profile... Good for you! I am usually not very active in forums, but I will join my friends if they have started a thread or something, so if you want a conversation partner, you are more than welcome to add me.

I have been on Gaia for many years, but tend to go in hiatus every now and then :3!

If you are here to tell me that the thing I threw in the dumpster was s**t/ good please do so... You might get something else wink . In fact, if you are my friend and you are having a hard time getting a particular item I will gladly donate to your cause.

Love love loomie

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Kiara-kins Report | 05/20/2016 2:33 pm
Not yet! That's the only item in it so far!
Kiara-kins Report | 05/20/2016 2:27 pm
Thank you so much! <3 I spent a bit of time trying to figure out items that would match since this isn't a popular scheme yet.
Kiara-kins Report | 05/20/2016 2:08 pm
xD It is!
But I've seen worst tbh. ;-;

The recolour was made by a good friend so I actually got this as a gift from her. ;-; I just hope I did it justice.l
Kiara-kins Report | 05/20/2016 1:52 pm
The hair is dreamy exorciblings and the bangs are from the cmyk adorkable bea~
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 4:48 am
You sound like me! I say the same thing, but it really doesn't work and I like some spanish dramas,music and etc.
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 4:42 am
Yeah! I'm just sick of reading it all the time, I want some candy or something that will automatically do it, haha! I only did it 2 years in High school and I still suck at it.
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 4:12 am
I'm trying to finish learning Spanish. Then once I'm done with that, I want to learn Japanese. I just wish there was something like a pill I could take and boom, I know every language.
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 4:08 am
Nope, I don't have anything to do at all. Or today, I'm just a high school graduate that stays at home. LOL! I'm mainly doing other things like learning languages atm.
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 3:58 am
I need to get my sleeping schedule back on track...but the internet is always so interesting at night! WHY?!?!?! LOL
Darling_Anika Report | 04/28/2016 3:52 am
LOL I will later! xDDDDDD What time is it where you are?

Uhm, hello?