Playing Since Sep. 19, 2008
ABOUT MEI'm in my early 20s now trying to dabble on many different hobbies at once and trying to figure life out. I used to love About Mes but now I seem to have lost the creativity and vanity to write a lot about myself lol. I guess that's a good thing though, I've been humbled over the years.
I used to dabble in Barton Town RPs but now I find them all a teensy bit too intimidating and since I don't draw my own characters I feel like I won't even make the cut anymore. So what to do now that I'm back here? Guess we'll see.
One opinion that I do have that still stands to this day is that social media sites like Facebook or Twitter should be as customizable as Gaia Online profiles. Having layouts and personal details to make your profile pop speaks out so much about your interests and style more than a couple paragraphs of self-centered reflection lol. Thank you for staying the way you are Gaia! heart
Bubbled Mind
A straightforward journal that outlines bits and pieces of my thoughts at its rawest. Enjoy!
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