I can be whatever you want me to be. But one thing sticks to me no matter what, I'm the weirdo. Let me stick out against the white walls i want to be that weird shape with the colors changing torward each person. That's me. Can't realy say what I am besides the stupid/smart, lolishita/emo, subjective, kawaii/fugly self who loves bieng comfortable and being me. =) Talk to me I won't bite...well... I will but I got my shots. x3
Role Model-I=nerd I love Chun Li for idk and ya.(I'm not lezzy but i support them gawd D; ) fave color=hehe the whole rainbow besides some shades of pink. but i preffer the blacks, greys, and whites Music-I'll take anything but Country>_< I find it gross ...You like Plushes huh?e.e=XD What made you say that-hides collection-They don't hit or get pissed at me like my family. Where I live-Have fun! I love Hide and Seek.
this is it just don't screem
I'm probably the last person you want to hear from..But i want to know something....Can you ask Marrissa to log onto Gaia and send me a message i wanna know how she is..Even though she harshly dumped me..but I'm over it I just want to talk to her one last time..I don't know why It's just something i felt for almost 5 months (since Aug 2008 )..Do you think you can ask her to talk to me? Please it took me a long time to work up the nerve to finally ask this question..So please will you crying
:me fant:
this is what is new just don't screem
I'm probably the last person you want to hear from..But i want to know something....Can you ask Marrissa to log onto Gaia and send me a message i wanna know how she is..Even though she harshly dumped me..but I'm over it I just want to talk to her one last time..I don't know why It's just something i felt for almost 5 months (since Aug 200cool..Do you think you can ask her to talk to me? Please it took me a long time to work up the nerve to finally ask this question..So please will you crying
:jess123454 fants:
motal kombat 1,2,3,trilogy,4,deadly alliance.deception,armageddon,mk vs. dc, and although its not a fighting game mortal kombat subzero mythologies. there may be more but those are the ones im aware of
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