Me not being here! Ya well, I've had no internet! Sorry people and I've been far to busy to go to a friends and get onto the internet, and that's a little wrong to go to a friends and bug for internet only. Anyways! I've been having fun and when I do have internet, just a warning, I won't be on as much as I used to sad that's not because I don't like role playing anymore, because I do, but it's because I think gaia is wasting my time. Without the internet I have done a LOT of things!!! HAHA! And they're fun! So I'd be keeping and doing those things when I get internet back. Anyways I'll be sure to message anyone that has been wondering about me the next time I get on, bye!
-You are a immature 19 year old who doesn't have a life and only wants to start drama and doesn't share her/his friends. You're stupid and need to grow up, after all you are 19 years old!!! AND starting drama on the internet? REALLY!? HAHAHA! You're a flippin joke!!! XDDD It's the internet!! MEANT FOR FUN!!! Not drama. -_- you're a disgrace.
-You are a drama fanatic. I hate you, it's all annoying. Now drama in a role play is another thing, I love drama in stories, so I'll invite you in with open arms, just don't start drama with me. I don't like it, it's soooooo annoying, especially since I don't know you.
-All you want to do is try and put me down when NOTHING, and I will repeat, NOTHING will hurt me on the damn internet. COME ON PEOPLE! IT'S THE INTERNET! STOP BEING PANSIES AND DUMB-ASSES!!!!All in a nut-shell I a crazy pyromaniac who likes to kill cookies! Yes, that is who I am, don't like it then...well get over yourself, you probably aren't much different from me! ;D Everyone likes Fire...right? >_O
I....AM! A manic depressive person! I get happy one moment and the next I am down and being all emo with every inch of my annoyingness! A lot of people mistake this as bipolar, buuuuut NO! It's not ^^ Bipolar is mood changes fast! Between mania and depression, but manic depressive people are more depressed then anything....so yeah, sadly that's what I am.
Hehe I did a report on bipolar people ^-^ INTERESTING!
Errrrmmm...I don't know what to say because my brain won't let me type. I don't like saying things about myself because then I just get all confusing and chances are you won't understand, shame shame. Anyways! you should do this REAL fast:
HA! Losers -_-
Though I have to say I'm a pretty big one at the moment as well XDD I am now updating my 'about me' and I forgot what it did, so I tried it!!!
I was pissssssed!!! -_-
NOW! To everyone that is still here~!:
Hmph....um, I find it easier to explain myself through icons? ...OH! besides the weird a** icons! I forgot to tell ya, be patient with me if I get all '******** you' or all 'I hate you' on you...It happens quite a bit sadly >.> sometimes I just snap.So yeah! Just aWARNING!!!!Maybe that would look better in red...I mean most 'warning' labels come in red don't they? Should I put it in red?!?!?....um....There I go, blabbing off again! HA...Ha...ha...Role Play Character's/Story's Pictures: Haro (blue) <3 Friday (Purple) Haro's mine. Friday's U-la-la's.Best Couple Ever in the best role play ever!!! T-T Background, Jealous Jacob.ARTIST: My Favorite, Domi~! X3^(^o^)>
Viewing 12 of 30 friends
WommbleGah! World...
Welcome to the world of...WommbleGah!
Do I want Edward Cullen??!!?
******** THAT!!!
I want need Eric Northman! <3
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