Generic Anonymity

Generic Anonymity's avatar

Last Login: 05/09/2022 8:22 pm

Registered: 02/25/2005

Gender: Female

Location: Eastern US

Birthday: 04/17

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I hope you find what you are looking for, at a reasonable price. ^_^

You don't have to, obviously, but I'd like to request that if you buy a giftbox from me, please pm me what it was. I'm just a curious sort of person.


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I don't feel like directly writing about myself. I feel like rambling about nothing. But I'm sure that you can get an idea of what I'm like from the rambling.
It makes sense to me, anyway. But not everything makes quite that much sense. Love, for instance. Or conflicting wants and needs.. I would love to live a life of leisure. But I need to work to get what I want. Thus conflicting myself. And contradicting myself. Which I do a lot. Some people think that makes me less intelligent, but I disagree. I consider myself to be very intelligent. I just don't use my intelligence all of the time. My Mom says that I downplay my intelligence. That's very possible. But when I don't downplay it, I feel like I'm being arrogant. And I can get arrogant. Very much so. And stubborn. I'm headstrong like that, but I don't like to make minor decisions. Deciding what to eat for dinner is difficult because it doesn't seem very important. But oh well. ~


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GA's Rambling Space

I'm just going to ramble here. There's a chance it will be coherent, but it's not going to be anything that a random passerby would really care to read. If you're a friend of mine you may know what I'm talking about, so you might care to look.


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antaine Report | 10/24/2011 6:31 pm
Oh hey, you're Velma for halloween right? I dig it XP
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 8:52 pm
Wow 0.o that is a bit long
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 8:46 pm
*nods* Agreed. So now right now I am down to pretty much if I don't hear anything back in two weeks I probably am not gonna get anything
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 8:35 pm
Eh, is more I am not getting all call backs on any job I apply for. And mom is (at least how I see it) acting like me not getting hired is my fault
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 8:31 pm
Eh, officially received my diploma in August and now I need a job. Living at home is slowly driving me insane though
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 8:25 pm
Really? What you been studying?
Ddraig Asheart Report | 09/20/2010 7:25 pm
O.O You still exist. Dun know if you remember me. Megan, from CCAC? The one that hung out with you and Laura and Frank in the AV office
Leszi Report | 06/24/2010 1:54 am
c u Sat?
MiniBoBini Report | 09/16/2009 7:27 am
Oh trust me, I know. I'm never so much as looking at a crawfish. O:
puppsgirl101012 Report | 04/29/2009 8:33 pm
thx 4 buying!


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