the explosive mammal

Molotov Ferret's avatar

Birthday: 12/31


about myself

Name: Justin, or "Shali."
Age: 19 years old.
Birthday: January 1st.
Status: spiritually married to Czar of Bizarre, IRL.
We have a beautiful baby girl together: Judy. <3

Interesting fun facts:
- a Christian by choice
- formerly in JROTC (high school military training)
- a sexual fiend >:K
- a smoker OFFICIALLY trying to quit
- have 3 older brothers and one younger brother
- proud daddy to a cat, lol.
- living with the woman of my dreams and our daughter. <3

- playing: Halo 3, Metal Gear Solid, Folklore, and Sonic the Hedgehog
- eating Molley's home cooking. <3
- driving over 60 mph when I can
- flailing like a monster on Rock Band drums
- wrestling with tha babay. <33

- drama drama drama! D<
- little stuff, like seeing a plate of half-eaten food left on the table
- when people try to make you into someone else
- when people try to be someone else, too

Currently doing:
- spending most of my time playing video games

going for it harder

User Image

Currently working on:

User Image
User Image

Chain Wallet
Steel-plated Ninja Band
Studded Leather Collar
Coal Tavern Wench's CincherLong-Stem Blue Rose
CoCo Kitty Plushie
Guitar of Demona
Black Reading Glasses
Black Tricorner Hat
Blue Tear Clown Makeup
Blue PomPom Gloves
Sonic Black Knight Buddy
Lidless Demon Armor (Boots)
Blue Stockings
Drop Dead Gorgeous Stone Skull Hairpin
White Leather Belt
Outlaw Biker Pants - Coal

get set go - i hate everyone

Unable to identify Vimeo video URL.

let me know

love notes

View All Comments

Sig1ne2 Report | 06/05/2009 6:08 am
Thx for buyin biggrin

Nice avi wink
heavens lie Report | 01/31/2009 3:33 pm
heavens lie
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
LaLunaKaida Report | 12/08/2008 8:14 pm
*Le gasp*
You need to put Sabbith's new account at the top of your friends list... >.>
It's just polite D:
LaLunaKaida Report | 11/28/2008 11:43 pm
Oh, then I know what's she's talkin' about...
Tell her I said 'Freakshow cat' >.>
LaLunaKaida Report | 11/28/2008 10:50 pm
Ha! I didn't miss that!
Wait... is she referring to the one with Haters...?
go - go - p h a n t o m Report | 11/28/2008 8:01 pm
go - go - p h a n t o m
Hey baby. ;D

Hope you don't mind that I gave your profile a make-over and finally gave you some music! >> I also pumped up your gold for you, filled up your wishlist, and snagged a few subscriptions to my friends' quest threads, so you can keep up or have places to post. I love you. heart
LaLunaKaida Report | 11/27/2008 9:39 am
Well then... Happy Thanksgiving to you both <3
LaLunaKaida Report | 11/27/2008 9:36 am
*waves frantically* Hi Frosty!
Tell Sahri I said hi~
eokclan Report | 11/11/2008 9:45 pm
o kool
eokclan Report | 11/11/2008 9:27 pm
idk u