
Kitsune Muggy

Kitsune Muggy's avatar

Registered: 08/14/2008

Gender: Female

Birthday: 07/22


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mugwhamps5's journal

My thoughts and feelings...


In Loving Memory

On November 22, 2012, I lost my little sister in a car accident. In memory of her, my Gaia page will be green themed, as her favorite color was lime green.

For those of you who didn't know her (pretty much all of you), she was blunt. She was one of those who told you how it is whether you liked it or not. She also didn't judge you on your hair or clothing or material possessions. She judged you based on your character. She may not have liked some people, but everyone liked her. She got to meet the lead singer of the band Deuce at a concert and bragged about it for weeks. Some of her favorite bands were Avenged Sevenfold, OPM, Deuce, Bullet For My Valentine, and Forever The Sickest Kids.

Cristina Hancock
June 7, 1995-November 22, 2012
Your big sister loves you and always will.

A little about...

My avi is based around my Assassin's Creed OC, Franchesca. This is her story:

User Image

Franchesca Isabella Milan was born in Firenze, Italy. Her father worked for the Assassins and would constantly travel, often resulting in the family having to move all over. She spent most of her time growing up in Venezia, learning how to free run from the local thieves. Around the time she was eight years old, she moved to Monterrigoni, where she met her childhood friend Domenico. She called him Domi. They were inseperable. After an incident in the mines that left Domenico injured, his family moved, leaving Franchesca and her family behind. He also left behind his robes and hidden blade.

After Franchesca discovered her father's things, she aspired follow in his footsteps. She learned how to wield a blade and was trained, and inducted, into the Assassin order after a year of training. Shortly after that, she discovered her father had abandoned his family to join ranks with the Templars, and Franchesca killed him for betraying the Order and the family legacy.

Domenico returned to Monterrigoni when Franchesca was sixteen. Since then, she has settled down with him and still remains loyal to the Order.

Behind the mask

On July 22, a little girl was born into the world to a proud mom and dad. The parents didn't get much time with that little girl, though, as she was whisked away to NICU. What was wrong, you ask? That baby girl was born two months early.

A year and a half later, the same baby girl wound up in ICU again after having a fever spike and going into Grand Mal seizures. The doctors told the baby's mother that the baby was very lucky that her fever didn't go from 106 to 107.

Fourteen years later, the same girl became a victim of child abuse and survived.

I am that girl.

My name is Kitsune Muggy. I have lived a life story that few have ever expected to go through and survive. But it's okay, I'm a bubbly, happy-go-lucky, energetic, and friendly person. I may come across as weird or immature at first, but it's okay. Due to that fever I had as an infant, I have been diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome, a form of autism, and a vocal tic disorder (but the latter you shouldn't worry about. This IS the internet after all).

I am a Juggalette and proud of it!

Talents: languages, writing, singing
Likes: music, watching people's hands, the colors blue, black, red, and white, gaming (Pokemon, Assassin's Creed, and Zelda are my favorites but I do play Halo)
Dislikes: people who think they're better than me, people who like to start fights, the colors pink and purple, feeling hurt.
Appearance: If you want to know, you don't need to know. ^_^
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Relationship status: taken


Posts per Day: 3.52

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View All Comments

sagethemerc Report | 07/22/2018 8:16 am
Happy Birthday!
The Child of Aura Report | 07/09/2015 11:27 pm
I'm glad you enjoyed the gift, I noticed half of my s**t is worth nothing thanks to this wretched inflation.
dumb lucario Report | 03/10/2015 11:51 pm
Eating cake and being cool?
dumb lucario Report | 03/10/2015 3:50 pm
Thank you! emotion_awesome
Fat Anime Tiddies Report | 02/21/2015 6:20 pm
It's good to see you alive again.
A Rojo Peach Report | 10/14/2014 1:55 pm
Okay. :u
A Rojo Peach Report | 10/14/2014 1:28 pm
Because Remoraid has suction cups on it.
A Rojo Peach Report | 10/14/2014 12:58 pm
How would it? Does have a shiny up front increase the chances or something?
A Rojo Peach Report | 10/11/2014 7:43 pm
You just never know when she'll mess you up again.
A Rojo Peach Report | 10/11/2014 3:34 pm
She's a strange woman.
Grand Master Darkstorm
The Audacious Assassin
Your Sun and Stars
Haytham Kennway
The Arkham Knight

Black trainer card

Pearl trainer card

Soul Silver trainer card

This was my sister's Gaia account. She quit getting on it but it's still hers.

Please feel free to leave a nice comment on her profile.

My Brothers and Sisters in arms.

Except you Haytham. But you're okay.