
Mae-Chai's avatar

Last Login: 01/20/2024 7:46 pm

Gender: Female

Birthday: 10/11


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Arts & Avatars

Art projects in progress and completed. Possibly some avatars.





Please, call me Mae-Chan or Mae~ ^^
That's the username I wanted but it was taken lol

My previous username was Nameless_Moon

Thank you so much, Shirashia, for commissioning the amazing artwork above!! And thank you to Hanna Hurst, the artist!
emotion_bigheart Gaia Sisters Forever emotion_bigheart


As of late April 2019, I am graduating with two BS degrees, one in Biological Sciences and one in Medical Laboratory Science (MLS). I will soon be an officially certified MLS, since I recently passed my Board of Certification exam! As of March, I have a job lined up and I will be starting Late May after I graduate. This was the hardest year of my ENTIRE LIFE, but I hope it will be worth it! I am so glad it's finally over, and I've finally made it to graduation after 5 long years! :)

Happily taken, 5 years and counting :) emotion_bigheart

I've been on gaia since the beginning of 2008, and I've loved it here ever since. Although now-a-days I mostly use this site for artistic inspiration during breaks from class, I certainly love a good chat. Please feel free to PM me or leave me a comment!

Expect to see me in zOMG! during my little bit of down time for smob/smeb and DMS! I'm so happy it's made a wonderful comeback. Thank you Lanzer!! <3

As stated previously, I sometimes draw in my free time, though I haven't drawn a lot lately (my school and family keep me too busy!) Feel free to visit my DA!

Now, I leave you with this kitty, and hope you have a great day!!

゙(゚、 。 7
 l、゙ ~ヽ
 じしf_, )ノ


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Queen Shira Report | 12/19/2022 11:53 am
Queen Shira
_You're welcome~ Ehhhh things are up and down; my Love is currently in the hospital and it's not looking good for his feet. He has osteomyelitis and nonhealing foot ulcers due to diabetes...dunno if I ever mentioned but yeah. He has a lot of complications and health issues because of being diabetic._ crying
Queen Shira Report | 12/07/2022 1:35 pm
Queen Shira
_Hope you're well, Sissy! I miss you! Happy holidays~_ heart
Queen Shira Report | 09/21/2022 10:55 am
Queen Shira
_ heart heart heart _
Queen Shira Report | 05/30/2022 12:06 pm
Queen Shira
_LOL, that's okay. I'm sending good thoughts in the hopes that we're both making the right choices for ourselves. LMAO._ heart
Queen Shira Report | 05/29/2022 2:11 pm
Queen Shira
_Oh! I never updated you on that. I sold the whole bundle a couple days ago for 100T, so I got 95T back from the sale. Was a wonderful surprise! I spent a little of it, like a few trill, then I sold few of my Cathartic items and made some gold back. Currently at 93.1T. - the tiny cute ones like windows, that's where I see them most often. Haha. - So to have a place with less or no rules is the goal. Hubby was saying he wants to take over the place once his grandparents move on, but...who knows how long that'll be, and until they do, the rules stay. They're self-preservationists, so they uphold their rules before anyone and anything else. It sucks. - Ah okay, so you already did a short stay to see how it would be. That's smart. My mom wants me to do that with mine, in case I change my mind, and I'm like. "I'm not spending hundreds of dollars just to spend more hundreds later and leave him and come back to the US, which I quite frankly hate now." Unless she wants to pay for me to come home. rolleyes Yeah me and him argue every now and then, but always work it out. I'm really relieved I'm going to have my own room there; that'll help a lot. Sometimes I need my own space, and told him as such. He's so sweet and understanding. redface Happy your move-in is going well so far! I do sometimes wonder if hubby and I will fight more if I move there but then I just think "well...I can sleep or just hang out in the spare room if that happens and I want to step away..." so like. We'll just have to see. Overall, though, I have a positive feeling about it. Again, never been so sure about someone before. It's a bit nerve-wracking, but I'm also so happy!_ heart
Operation Katana Report | 05/28/2022 7:08 pm
Operation Katana
Queen Shira Report | 05/25/2022 6:46 am
Queen Shira
_I messaged a vendor about possibly buying the RIG bundle and they said it's too expensive for them, LMAO crying So, back to the drawing board on that I guess. - Awww. The only spiders I can deal with are the little tiny ones. They can't hurt you lol. - Yeah it'll be nice to have a place with NO RULES above all, that's the goal. Awww, I probably would have been lonely too. So I'm glad your boyfriend is moving in. My mom says living with someone is different from when you're just dating though, so like...Idk. What'll you do if you don't like his living habits? Ik you said you guys stay/ed at each other's places on weekends, but things can also change when one moves in with the other for long-term, and not always for the best. - Boo sounds like the cutest. Next to Biscotti, of course. LMAO. Welp. I figure since I'm the one who has to do the stressful applications and am taking the harrowing journey to live in another country, I should get to be a houseKitsu if I wanna! Hahahahaha!_
Queen Shira Report | 05/24/2022 1:28 pm
Queen Shira
_Heyyyy you wanna know something? My friend gave me a bundle of RIGs today that'll sell for quite a bit...if it sells. Haha. So he came through! Sorta! He did say (somewhat after the fact) he sorta expects me to get him an OMG though which is like. Almost half of what I'd make selling the bundle -__- like. We already agreed he'd be getting his halo first since he got us these bundles to sell, why can't I keep the gold I'm hopefully gonna make? Uuuuugggghhh. - I'm severely arachnophobic, soooooo all spiders (well, except for the tiny cute jumping ones) are a huge nope for me. They're just hella creepy! - Well, it's a bit more complex than just "I wanna feel accomplished". It's more of. I don't wanna stay in a parents' house forever. Like. He's lived there his whole life and I've been at my mom's house my whole life. When do we get to have something that's just OURS? Plus their house is kinda vintage-y and I don't care for decor and whatnot. Ik that can be changed, goes back to what I said before. I want something that's ours, not someone else's. LOL two sinks? Two bathrooms or nothing. LMAO! - Does Boo shed an awful lot? We could make a new Biscotti every few days with how much she sheds. Hahahaha. - I asked my husband yesterday if I could be a houseKitsu (since I'm a Kitsune) and he said that'll be fine. So I'm all set. LMAOOOOO!_ rofl
Queen Shira Report | 05/22/2022 2:52 pm
Queen Shira
_I know, LOL. We'll see what happens! You make a good point, though. Seems like the people who do the best are constantly putting real money into the site and I did that for a bit but then I was like "why am I spending a bunch of real money on fake things" and quit. Haha. My friend likes to invest in the GCash cards though, and those usually sell for quite a bit. He said he'll be getting a couple soon and sending one to me, fingers crossed he comes through. - Oh gawd, not a Huntsman! Though I hear they only LOOK scary and aren't dangerous to humans. Idk. They can stay outside and far away from me, all the same! LOL. - Yeah it might be doable until we can get our own place, which I'm pushing for because I want to feel accomplished. He's content with just keeping that house and I'm like. "" I want my own bathroom at least; I hate sharing bathrooms with men. Ugh! ANYWAY. We'll see. But the logical thing to do is stay there for at least a bit. - It'll definitely be a good way to save up. With them paying their part and my husband doing his, I definitely won't have TOO many bills. Thanks for all your good thoughts!! - It's supposed to be my brother's job to brush Biscotti but we're lucky if he does it once a week -__- and yeah. She eats fairly early in the morning, like soon after she goes out. Then we feed her dinner between 5 and 6 PM. We give her a good amount of food, though. So she's alright throughout the day. AWWWW Boo sounds so so cute! Pupperrrrrrr! LOL! - I felt that so hard. Smh. I really don't wanna do anything! Let's just be housewives together! LMAOOOOO!_ rofl
Queen Shira Report | 05/22/2022 12:59 pm
Queen Shira
_Ikr!! One of my friends promised me a Devil Tail, and an Angelic Halo. I'm still waiting. rofl And. Let's laugh at that because the latter is like. 200T+ now when it was around 50T when I left. Couldn't afford it in 2020, either. Haha. Maybe one day if I get SUPER lucky...we'll see. I'm trying to be way smarter about vending now. - LOL, yeah I hear a lot about Australia's scary creatures, but like...everywhere has scary creatures, if you think about it. -shrugs- My husband promises me his house is clean and that they don't get bugs indoors. Lmao. His grandparents are sticklers about keeping the house clean so even though it's not going to be PERFECTLY ideal to live with them (they also have a lot of restrictive house rules), we can save money on bills and the place will always be spotless. I really want a modern mansion, lol. Again, maybe someday. - I feel a similar way about my ex. Like...he was good to me for a long time, until our values didn't line up anymore. And he expected more of me than I could give, and wouldn't do what was expected of him. Oh me and my current are the same! We love a lot of the same things, think the same, and we have just enough different to introduce each other to new things and still have a grand time. I don't think I would have accepted his proposal or anything if I hadn't felt we really connected on so many levels. My mom has accepted that I'll be moving out there, and she thinks he's great. I've had them talk over Messenger and they get along well. Hubby also got the all-good from his grandparents for me to move into their spare room, and they're very excited to eventually have me there. So yeah, if all goes well, I should be out there by year's end or so. Really depends on paperwork, getting passports and visas together and tickets and all. It's a lot and it's stressful. But like. I'm so excited. Never been so excited about someone in my whole life. Thanks for well wishes, and I'll be safe! heart - Pupperonis are such angels. Biscotti is very loyal and spirited! She has so much energy but is so gentle at the same time. We got super lucky when we found her at the shelter. Only issues we have with her are how much she sheds, and at times she delays eating and then ends up getting sick. Smh. How old is Boo? We got Biscotti in 2019 and they said she was about a year old, so now she's 4-ish. Lol, Boo sounds absolutely adorable. Please pet pupper for me!_ heart _I don't have much to say about work or jobs, tbh...just do whatever you want, I guess. Haha. Life's too short to be working somewhere or doing something that doesn't make you happy._


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