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Southern_Chick1990's avatar

Birthday: 06/15


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About Me
I just turned 17. I'm a pretty talkative girl and am open to talking to anyone. I'm the girl that is no where near being a girly girl. I'm the track runner, mud boggin' (if you're southern, you know what I'm talking about), country/rock/metal music girl. I have no lable when it comes to style. I'm NOT a prep, but not an emo. I just call my style "me". I follow my usual saying, "I'm me. No changing it. Try all you want, you won't get me to change." I'm a believer in God and believe He is the Creator and i will never change that belief. I speak my mind and most of the time, if you don't like me, I don't like you. i run 2 miles for Track. and oddly I am a cheerleader. ironically, i'm hated by most of the members xD but oh well. they can get over it.
I guess that's basically me. comment me if you wish to talk! ^w^

And i could do a WAY better job with my profile (seeing as im a graphic desinger) butttttt im too lazy and my laptop is toooo slowwww :/

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle...

Girl- Slow down, I'm scared.

Guy- No, this is fun...

Girl- No it's not. Please, it's too scary!

Guy- Then tell me you love me.

Girl- I love you, now slow down...

Guy- I love you too. Now, give me a big hug.

-She gave him a big hug-

Guy- Can you take off my helmet and put it on; its bothering me...

In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle had crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were broken he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live, even if it meant that he would die.

If you would do the same for the person you love/like copy this in your profile
__$____________$$$_______$$$_____$$_________ ___$______$$$_____$____$$$$____$$$$____$$$_________ ____$_______$$$____$___$$$$___$$$$____$$$____$_____ _____$$$____$$$$___$$___$$$$_$$$$$___$$$$___$$_____ _______$$$___$$$$__$$$__$$$_$$$$$____$$$$__$$___$__ _______$$$$__$$$$_$$$$___$_$$$$$_____$$$$_$$$__$$__ ________$$$$_$$$$$_$$____$$$$$$_____$$$$$_$$__$$$__ _________$$$$$_$$$$_$___$$$$$$_$___$$$$$_$___$$$___ ____$$$$__$$$$$$_$$$_$__$$$$$$_$$_$$$$$_$___$$$$___ ___$___$$$$_$$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$$_$$$$$____$$$$$____ __________$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$_$$$$$$_$$$$___$$$$$______ ___________$$$$_$$$$$$_$$__$$$$$_$$$__$$$$$________ _______________$$$_$$$$$_$__$$$$_$__$$$$___________ ____________________$_$$$$__$$$$__$$$$_____________ _________________________$$_$$$_$$$________________ ___________________________$$$$$$__________________ _________________________$$$$$$$$$$________________ ________________________$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ _______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$_______________ ______________________$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$______________ _____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$______________ ____________________$$$$$$$$$$$_$$$$$______________ _____________$_____$$$$$_$_$$$_$$$$$$______________ _____________$$____$$$$_$$_$$$__$$$$_$_____________ ______________$$__$$$$_$$_$$$$______$$$____________ _______________$$_$$$$_$$_$$$$_______$$$___________ _______________$$$_$$_$$$_$$$$$______$$$$__________ ________________$$$__$$$_$__$$$$___________________ ________________$$$$$$$$_____$$$___________________ ________________$$$$$$$______$$$___________________ ______________$_$$$$$$_______$$$___________________ ____________$$$_$@$$_______$$$$____________________



View All Comments

TidesoftheSun Report | 07/15/2010 3:23 pm
It's ok, I haven't been on in forever either... sad
TidesoftheSun Report | 06/15/2010 6:48 am
Happy Birthday!!! heart
anime_rocker_dude Report | 04/08/2010 10:17 pm
wow. it has truly been for ever since Ive been on here.
anyway, heyyy
Stream the Angry Child Report | 02/07/2010 10:08 am
Stream the Angry Child
I've been pretty good, but I can't wait for mid-winter break ;p Oh, and I have like NO school this month, just a bunch of days off and get to come in late a lot as well because of testing for 11th graders ;p
Stream the Angry Child Report | 02/06/2010 8:46 pm
Stream the Angry Child
Ugh, it's so hard xp But it's pretty cool at the same time. Anyways, how have you been? What's up with you?
Stream the Angry Child Report | 02/06/2010 8:33 pm
Stream the Angry Child
Um...hi ;p? Nice, I take latin. Salve amici (greetings friend) ;p
mialane Report | 02/01/2010 7:12 pm
i ment ''on *that* note'' lol dont you love my typos? if not, i sowwy its a package deal
and since your thinking it, yes like mia and lilly
and because i said thinking you thought of (or u did just now) the game
oh i know you too well lol ^^
mialane Report | 02/01/2010 7:06 pm
Ich mag Übersetzer, verwirren sie diejenigen, die nicht wissen, wie sie zu benutzen und macht uns freuen klüger, als wir sind

or just seem smarter on hat note lol, its a rough translation lol but

it's so viel Spaß gemacht
Oshare_Kunoichi Report | 01/12/2010 6:08 am
I'm sorry~
Dandelion Childe Report | 01/11/2010 7:07 pm
Dandelion Childe


Life is short. Live it to the fullest.
You never know when your last day is. Take advantage of every breath.

Indestructible power.


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Semper Fidelis!!

'Some Marine sayings' my brother once said, '"Pain is just weakness leaving the body." "Will Power" and the biggest one of all, "Semper Fildes" or "Semper Fi"'

Mali's Sistas!


These are some photos I took. The lab is my dog, Stella, and the German Shepard is Bambi, my mom's dog.