Hi, I am someone. I would rather not say my name on the interwebz. I appear very gothic and emo, but I am not either. Okay... A little bit. Okay, okay fine...
Really gothic. I have nothing against emos or goths, and I am willing to befriend anyone who is kind/random/funny. My age? I WILL NEVER TELL! MUAHAHAHAHA...! XD Sorry, I just had to. I love writing and drawing, and I am constantly trying to improve my "skillz." Some random facts:
- I am an aspiring author and I work on my books a lot. I don't illustrate them because I want to focus more on writing than drawing for now.
- I am random. Need I say more...?
- I know
VERY limited Japanese.
- I love roleplaying.
- My avatar supposedly looks like my roleplay character.
- Some days, I am good at having light, happy, random conversations with people. Other days, I am better at having a very deep and philosophic debate about things. Depends on what mood you catch me in.
-I love Spyro and Sakura Taisen, but I haven't watched ST in a while, and I haven't played Spyro for a while, so I'm not really a nerd about those games any more. XD
-I'm completely dragon-obsessed. o.o I love anything and everything that has to do with Dragons.

Try not to take anything I say too seriously. Most of the time I'm saying things to make people laugh.
Hoarding gold to buy an Arion the Pegasus. =P
Please tip any of my posts if you want to donate. I won't take more than 25 gold from anyone. You need gold too.
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