Viewing -X-Draconic Assassin-X-'s profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hi, I am someone. I would rather not say my name on the interwebz. I appear very gothic and emo, but I am not either. Okay... A little bit. Okay, okay fine... Really gothic. I have nothing against emos or goths, and I am willing to befriend anyone who is kind/random/funny. My age? I WILL NEVER TELL! MUAHAHAHAHA...! XD Sorry, I just had to. I love writing and drawing, and I am constantly trying to improve my "skillz." Some random facts:

- I am an aspiring author and I work on my books a lot. I don't illustrate them because I want to focus more on writing than drawing for now.

- I am random. Need I say more...?

- I know VERY limited Japanese.

- I love roleplaying.

- My avatar supposedly looks like my roleplay character.

- Some days, I am good at having light, happy, random conversations with people. Other days, I am better at having a very deep and philosophic debate about things. Depends on what mood you catch me in.

-I love Spyro and Sakura Taisen, but I haven't watched ST in a while, and I haven't played Spyro for a while, so I'm not really a nerd about those games any more. XD

-I'm completely dragon-obsessed. o.o I love anything and everything that has to do with Dragons.

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Viewing 12 of 61 friends


My Journal

I like pi. Note that there is no E in that.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 01/14/2013 4:06 am


cool avi

Report | 07/26/2011 11:54 am


Wait, wait, wait... Did you get one of those little furry creature things that sits on your shoulder via magnetic plate and can move its head? biggrin
Symphonic Maiden

Report | 06/25/2011 4:42 pm

Symphonic Maiden

If you are receiving this message, then you have either signed my Colorize Toxic Kitten or More Bustier Colors petition.

To see that I do not get in trouble with the ToS, I am asking that you visit my new recolor thread here and sign again.

Thank you and have a good day/night!


Report | 01/21/2011 3:58 pm


np^^ You sound a lot like my sister. shes a sudo-goth. plus she wants to be an author.

Report | 01/18/2011 1:49 pm


cool avi!

Report | 01/09/2011 9:31 am


*Dies* You made me think if THAT song! *facepalm*

I got this little kitty about 2 months back,
He was the nicest little kitty now a pain in my crack.
This little kitty is ninja always stalking my feet.
This little kitty is a warrior you know what I mean.
He’s an evil little kitty, look what he did to my hand.
Tries to get in trouble in any way that he can.
I can give this cat a toy but he’d rather have the wrapper.
When I always give him water but he still drinks from the crapper.
You could lock him in the closet and he just won’t care.
Kitty chews on my shoes and he licks on my hair.
Always scratching on my favorite chair and jumping on the couch.
Playing in the windowsills and tearing through the house
He is so full of energy and easily amused.
Kitty will attack anything that moves,
Causing trouble, starting battles just so he can be a part of
He’s the meanest little kitty so we named him Sparta.

*Slaps self* I will not go on further O:<! Lol.

But it's doing okay. One day it's being a "Suck-up" Being all fluffy and nice, and the other it's attacking you and jumping half-way up your leg O_o;

Report | 01/08/2011 4:45 pm


D: Same here. I'm getting a lot of finals. But otherwise it's okay~ It's going better, eventhough I miss you all!

Report | 01/08/2011 3:14 pm


Excellent..well...maybe not o; I ate cookie dough <<;

Nvm,lol. And you?

How's school? :3

Report | 01/08/2011 10:10 am


Hello Thar'!

Big Brother Spain

Report | 01/02/2011 9:20 pm

Big Brother Spain

Hey, I saw your quest bar thingy on your signature! I've been trying to sell my Black Lizard man for a while now! You could buy mine for 130K if you would like to!


Try not to take anything I say too seriously. Most of the time I'm saying things to make people laugh.
Hoarding gold to buy an Arion the Pegasus. =P
Please tip any of my posts if you want to donate. I won't take more than 25 gold from anyone. You need gold too.