
shippo62's avatar

Last Login: 02/27/2013 8:10 pm

Registered: 07/16/2008

Gender: Female

Location: in your closest

Birthday: 03/31

Occupation: your evil twin


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I could never forget
I would never forget
I should never forget

You are my friend
Whoever you are
You're still my friend

Through thick and thin
I will remember
Never forgetting
You are my friend

That means all of you
Be proud of yourself
And always remember
I'm always will be your friend
No matter what
Till the end

Hi I'm (Classified) (Classified), and I live at (Classified). Eh? *pokes at classified thingy* Wtf? Um It's ni-(CLASSIFIED) OMG!?!?! *runs* (Classified, please wait while we dragged 'classified' back here.) *hears me in the background* DEAR GOD NO!!!!!! "SHUT UP AND TAKE LIKE A MAN!" BUT I"M JUST A TEEN!!! "WHO CARES! READ THE F-ING SCRIPT!!!" *speaks in speaker thingy* H-h-hi, it's very n-n-nice to m-m-meet you. I'm shippo62, I used to have an old account, shippo61.

But due to things(framed and tricked into getting botted gold from a random person) I was banned, so I started over and got wiser. *smiles* I enjoy role not that one you sick b*****d.*glares* Sometimes I might be on the gaia im, or in the marketplace selling and buying crap. :3

I have many rpc (role playing character) like Louis in the guild I'm in from a friend. I also make many, I mean many characters in my head, but due to the lack in my brain and other things(lazy) I don't use them, but it does help spacing out during things like done after a test or waiting to go to lunch.....okay that's it....leave already.....I'll call the cops...I mean it!....lazy a**, JUST CLICK THE BACK BUTTON AND GO! GOD! *stomps away* (Classified) OH THATS JUST F-ING IT!!!! *pulls out random weapon and attacks classified thingy*
Take two!

*walks in* Okay, since that was taking care of..*glares at Classified* I'll be saying things you might want to know. I'm normally quiet, unless I'm given the chance to talk, that can go anywhere, it could be a stupid talk or WTF? is she talking about talk. I'm smart, lazy(duh), and I wear a orange sweatshirt in real life (shocking isn't it?). I'm writing a story about my avi! I believe it's good so far, but I'm willing to make stories about your avi too! Just pm about it, bad guy or good guy side, name ect. ect. Then just let my mind go free...*space out*...(*pokes*)........(*pokes*).........*stares at the floor*....(CLASSIFIED!!!!!!!!!!) OMF-*dies*...(Crap......*looks at you* Don't worry folks, 62 is fine..just wait for Take 3 that's all....I hope..)
Take 3
(*pokes*).....(*kicks*)............(Well since she's dead..*looks around the room to see nobody watching* Muahahahhaha *start's stealing items*) .............................*Jumps up* RAWR! (OMF-*dies*) That's what you get for trying to steal my crap.*kicks* Anyway, since I can't drive and have nobody else to drive me, I'm forever stuck at my house. I really don't mind, I do got a good book with me, but if you know me in real life, please just drag my happy a** to a movie or something! My parents barely go and my sister will ditch me from time to time to see it herself. Oh sis, if you are reading, I'm sorry what I said. To the world, I'm the anti-social kid that nobody knows or cares about. I normally keep most to myself, for many reasons, fear, abandonment , ect. Depressing as it sounds, I'm somewhat happy, just a simply hello or chit-chat will do me good. One thing I may know for sure, that I don't open up really fast like everyone else, due to social issues when I was a kid, didn't HAD any kids that was the same age or none what's so every.(Boo.) AHH!*dies again, Deaths walks in* "It's is your ******** CHALLENGE YOU TO DDR!!!*Points* "..........."*pokes my finger* F-*dies, again*

Take four
62 walked into the room, her eyes glaring at the Classified, the unknown creature gave her the same look in return. She stopped in the center of the room, staring right at the camera, her hands cupped each other before she spoke in a friendly voice and smile. "Ello ello, it's been a while since I done this....things changed after I got ridden my old orange hoodie with one that actually fits me; I got out more, spend times with friends beside being at school, I talked more, opened up more, and got a boyfriend....till six months later he dumped me for no reason (a**hole)..but two month later I met my nemesis..not someone I hate, nemesis(a name he likes) is ma boyfriend! And I-"

"CLASSIFIED!!! " the tape suddenly ends but after five minutes it comes back on, this time 62 is bruised with a bloody nose, the 'Classified' creature appeared to be dead behind her.

"Anyways.." she grumbled in annoyance, glance back at the creature, "I love my new boyfriend and I discovered alot of things we have in common....and he made me more of a nerd than I was already was. D&D/Pathfinder is surprisingly fun, besides the distractions and...CORN!! I witness a birth of a new insider joke. Since school gotten harder and my social life growing, I discover I spending less time on here and I'm sorry if any of you is waiting on my post. That's all for now and I hope-"


P.S this what my old account looked liked, shippo61:User Image

62's crew's PokePet
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
Black moon the level 50 Eevee!

Yes, I like pokemon, but only the games.

Oh you may find me in Quibblo, the name is CrazyDemonicAngel

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

User Image
i adopted a chibi!
likes:little brother, mother, cookies, being tall, feeling mighty, and pretty red stones
doesn't like:milk, Mustang, father, inhuman beings, insults, being smallest human being in the world.
owner: shippo62 or known as (Classified)
you can adopt one too!
adopt me!
Which Espada are you?

My Results:

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4th Espada: Ulquiorra Schiffer

You are Ulquiorra! He's pretty much the only one I consider sane. He's always sent to do importaint stuff for Aizen, such as recon, desideing who or what is trash, capturing Orihime (or as Conor would say "Leek Girl", then YAY!), cooking, cleaning... okay, so he doesn't do that, he does in my stories though!

The list keeps going on and on....

User Image
I adpoted a dancing panda!
Name razz oka
Likes:dancing, sweeties, music, women, toys, money,bamboo, anime, manga, owner's friend, yuri
Dislikes:cats, bills, taxes, men talking to women, yaoi, dogs, any animal bigger than him, showers, being hungry
You can adopt one too!
get one now!



View Journal

Life. (poems, storys, character, info on rp's, and please coment)

*trips**gets up* Please comment, I would like to know about how you feel about my stories/poems...OH SNAP!!*runs away from angry ninjas*


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Relax I don't want your baby I already hate~


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View All Comments

TeamRocketGirl17 Report | 03/28/2011 9:25 pm
TeamRocketGirl17 Report | 03/24/2011 12:40 pm
Ugh, I am so glad I'm done with that...
What did they change it to?
TeamRocketGirl17 Report | 03/22/2011 1:03 pm
Oh my! Not the ACT...D=
And why do you hate gym? I don't blame you, but...
TeamRocketGirl17 Report | 03/21/2011 3:00 pm
Hey! Long time no see! How are you? =3
nemesis0320 Report | 02/26/2011 12:02 am
Heya, just thinking about ya'. Get out of my head and into my arms.
nemesis0320 Report | 02/23/2011 8:42 pm
Hey, just stopping by to say that I love you. That is all.
Ranger_Style Report | 02/13/2011 8:18 am
I just slipped you a couple of sleeping pills. Don't worry. They won't kill you. I'll have to do that.
nemesis0320 Report | 01/15/2011 9:02 am
How's it goin' good lookin'?
nemesis0320 Report | 01/06/2011 3:30 pm
Yup yup. By the way, Du hast das Spiel verloren = You just lost the game
nemesis0320 Report | 01/06/2011 3:03 pm
It's "Das Spiel", as in "Du hast das Spiel verloren"
D0ki D0ki D3vil
Silent Defender
bpoh 017
Duckling Teeth
Jerry Liffle Waffle
Adamska Glazunov
Intoxicating Kiwi

It's art!!!.......When do I get paid?

Well, well, well, its been far too long for you. The forest of Death is beckoning you to come and I'll make sure of it as well! *throws giant ninja star and epic battle starts*

A wild nemesis appeared!