I'm 6' 3 and love to hang out with friends
My forte is being in an auto shop, and working with my hands. I can pretty much fit in anywhere.
I have many friend, most of which I call family. And so so many friends that are girls it's almost pathetic, ah well tis the life I lead.
As you can see I love Bleach, and among other things I love the Tales of Series, including Zelos. Come talk with me.
Me Hablo Espanol, tambien, pero me no bueno en espanol.
This is gaia's rendition of me...
No More Heroes's Travis Touchdown
Total Value: 35,520 Gold
[Item Information]I want loads of friends And I am almost always on. ^-^ and as you can see I am a major Bleach fan... so PM some time....
My thoughts...... exactly!
Here is one man and one journal
My Journal asking the world it's greatest questions... and expecting the worlds dumbest answers.
When battling your insane side.... make sure to lose once in a while...
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