My story.
Alias: Kara Kent, Lina Lee, Linda Danvers
Species: Kryptonian
Place of Origin: Krypton
Hair: Blonde
Eyes: Blue

In 1986, I followed my aunt Lara-El to Earth, to visit the family Jor-El had chosen for their unborn son Kal-El if Krypton was destroyed by the battle with General Zod.
I was on Krypton in the year 1986 I watched as my father Zor-El told Lara how he desired her, and that if he couldn't have her in the real world, how he would posses her through science. Zor-El then modified my memory to forget what she had seen.

During the war with General Zod, I was on my way to school when Augo stopped me from going and told me that he has a bad feeling about going. I rejected his idea and turned to go into school as it blew up and trapping me under a crystal column. Augo lifted up the column and i ran and told my father Zor-El and walked in on him having a conversation with Aethyr and Nam-Ek in which she was shocked at his association with General Zod and his advanced knowledge of the attacks on Kandor. Zor-El then told me that he is doing it all for Rao's prophecy that has already predicted correctly about the creation of Brainiac and Zod's war and it predicts that the end is near for Krypton. Augo then appears and tells me he is Zor-El's disciple and that i was never in danger but i run away and hide but is soon found by Zor-El and Augo who take me away.

Augo stayed with me whilst she was in lockdown by my father and he tried to make me realize that Rao's Prophecy is to be and that Zor-El will rule earth and she will become a god. I then pretend to believe in the prophecy and I then pushes Augo into a chamber and locks him in then sends it down towards Krypton's core. i then goes to the hologram and activates the House of El and speaks with Lara and tells her that Zor-El is going to ignite Krypton's core when Zor-El comes in and tries to stop me but she pushes him onto the crystals where he stabs his back. He then pretends to be sincere but then pulls out a Crystal of El and wipes her memory. Lara then tells him that he will fail but he says that Krypton is not destined to be and he says that his resurrection has been prophesied and that his body cannot make the journey to Earth so pulls out the blue crystal and then looks at me.

I then awoke as Zor-El was putting me into the ship and hands me the blue crystal. She claims her family was forced into exile by her uncle Jor-El and his associate Martian Manhunter. her ship crash landed in Smallville, Kansas, in 1989 during the first meteor shower. My ship fell into the Smallville Reservoir adjacent to Reeves Dam, where I remained in suspended animation for 18 years until my now-grown cousin Clark battled his doppelganger Bizarro, destroying the dam and waking me from my slumber.
Like her Kryptonian cousin, Supergirl has the ability to fly at great speeds, it has been shown that is able to fly at the speed of light, on one such occasion she has been seen to fly through the moon.

Super Hearing
Supergirl has the ability to detect and interpret dissipating sound waves, this means that she is able to hear even the quietest of sounds from a large distance away, meaning that she can pinpoint a single person in the world just from their voice or heartbeat, this is done by filtering out every other sound in the world. Supergirl can also detect sound waves at a higher or lower frequency than a normal human ear can usually detect, this ranges from sub sonic wavelengths to radio waves.
Supergirl needs sufficient time to heal.
Heat Vision
Supergirl has the ability to generate intense heat from her eyes, this heat is then focused and projected in the form of beams of radiation, which can be used to melt steel structures or heat up cold coffee, meaning that she can control the temperature of these beams.

In the New 52 it has been shown that Kyrptonians under the yellow sun aren't entirely invulnerable although bullets won't harm them sufficient amount of force and electric shock can. The costume that they wear is actually armor which itself is invincible.

Super Breath
In the New 52 her Super Breath has only been shown that she can hold her breath for a sufficient amount of time in space.
Super Strength
The exact magnitude of Supergirl's strength is unknown, she was easily able to knock down armored weaponized robots only with minimal strain. She can lift 100 tons with minimal effort.

Supergirl was born into a society hundreds of years ahead of Earth. She lived there for about 15 years and learned much of the technology. Krypton was ruled by the Science Council and it was a huge part of their daily lives. Though in the New 52 it's not shown if she still possess it.

X–Ray Vision
Can see through anything except lead.
Super Speed
As like Superman she can move unbelievably quickly albeit not as fast as other speedsters, or those that possess the speed force.


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I hope everything is going well!
Before he was able to speak those words, Kara had already zoomed passed the Dark Knight and onto the cloned Doomsday. Only to be greeted by an unnatural fast sucker punch to her chest knocking her force back through a taller skyscraper's office rooms; shattering windows on impact creating a 20x20 hole into the building behind them. Batman watched as Kara flew backwards from the punch, then toward the creature. It menacingly began to howl a roar, thankfully from the amount of steps he walked away from earlier Batman had a good distant advantage to plan out his next move. As long the creature doesn't have speed compared to it's original predecessor, He will have time. He eases slow steps backwards away from the creature, and pulls out a kryptonite sculpted brass knuckles from his utility belt. In addition to what he had, He pulled two smoke pellets that contained a dense smoke of kryptonite; all tools of which to use to fight Superman if he were to ever turn rogue. Upon summoning these tools, A semi loud whir could be heard from above the scene. His BatJet had arrived,
He thought. Tossing one smoke pellet toward the creature, it detonates and it began hacking from inhaling the smoke. He raised his left gauntlet to view and began clicking buttons, activating the weapon system installed within the jet. Suddenly seen from below, two distinct weapons appeared from just below the nose of the plane. Then, it fired a sixty caliber used in F-22 fighter jets, and high end military grade homing missiles. Exploding on impact, but accurately made not to crush the rooftop that based the hulking figure it began to take a knee with a hand on it's knee and a fist within the ground.
Now's my chance.
As the guns stop firing he sprinted toward the beast and began unleashing blows to his face with the kryptonite knuckles. Somehow regaining it's energy from the blasts and punches, he pushes the Dark Knight sending him backward to a rooftop door's wall. Breaking it halfway through, as Batman sits groaning to himself from the attack. He forces himself to getup as the kryptonite's density began to fade from the aura of the creature.
While scanning the anatomy of the creature, Batman realized this was a clone just like one of the many that attacked in the Amazons during Supergirl's discipline training. However this wasn't just an ordinary clone...
"It seems like it's a clone of Doomsday, but somehow it's powers are doubled than the others."
Batman raised his left gauntlet horizontally and pressed a few buttons calling upon the Batjet.
"Something's off about it, and I don't like it."
Batman grimly stated, ready for any attacks from the creature.
His pose locked as he tilts his head up at her, watching her float in mid-air.
"I'm here to check on you, after Darkseid manipulating you to be a slave in Apocalypse I figured it's necessary. From what I can tell you seem to be in self-control."
Batman looks down, and turns away from her. Walking away as a suppressed booming sound manifests fifty feet across from where the parallel edge they originally occupied.
Batman simply states, he doesn't blatantly ask but was intended to imply that she should tell him what could be troubling her. He looked away from her and toward the narrow illuminated streets below. His cape softly brushing to the direction of the wind, like a flag gently moving to the wind's course.
It was midnight in National city, Batman steps out of the shadows revealing his dark demeanor. He looks down at her with a gaze. He found her not long after she decided to stand atop a skyscraper overlooking the city.