Stalkers :)


`Ello! i'm kristina c:
i'm a chocoholic and sweets addict,
and forever will be. Sugarrrr.
basically you could call me a girl
who's crazy and wayy too hyper,
all the time. i love having fun,
doing crazy stuff, and being awesome ;D
btw, i have ninja powers. WAHPOW! ouo




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luffs: video games. robots. dino`s. sweets.
swimming. soccer. skating. food. friends.
anime. drawing. bubbles. rain. stars. turtles.
neon colours. crazy fun stuff. being random.
fantasy. reading. writing. dreaming. cartoons.
pirates. ninja's. cute things. laser tag.

unluff: bugs. creepers.
being hungry.lots of homework.
boringness. being tired.
pessimists. gossip. backstabbers.
being sick. being tired.
unrequited love.