The Wolf

Hey there. The name's Isamu, but ya'll can call me Isa fer short, seeing as I'm not really a fan of m' full name. Y'can call me Dark too, but whatever ...

I'm twenty-one years old, though I look twenty-three. I've got black hair, tan skin, and green eyes. In the winter time, m' hair turns blue, m' skin pales an awful lot, and m' eyes fade to blue.

My birthday is November 30th. I joined Gaia on June 2nd, 2008, which means I've been a member for two years.

Much like m' ex-lover, I came to Gaia to escape the 'real world'. So that means no pictures, no phone calls, no meeting offline.

Sorry, phone has been disconnected, so no more textin'.

Currently: Unemployed&virtually homeless. << staying with a friend until that clears it's self up.
Loves to drink: Blue Raspberry Fanta Soda
Is in love with: Nobody
Location: Canadia << not actually spelled like that.