Viewing Venturai's profile | Profiles v1 | Gaia Online


Hi there, person. Welcome to this profile! All props go to kuneria jester and Mitathegoat for making it. Thanks soo much! =D

Okay, so I'm Venturai. You can call me Venturai, Ven, Venny... Something like that. Anyway, I'm currently a senior in high school, and I am eighteen. I live in the USA. Anyway... My personality? I have no clue, I don't take notes about myself. That'd be just weird. So, pm me or find me somehow and just talk to me.

About myself... I like Music! I play alto, tenor, and bari saxophones, and I'm learning to play the bassoon. It's hard, but it should be worth it. =) I like alternate, rock, and jazz. Put music on front of me and I'll listen. I don't like rap all that much, though.

I love to RP. Especially with Trolls. It just seems refreshing from all the hoomans, vampires, demons, half demons, half angels, nekos, etc. Anyway, I like all kinds of rps, and don't only play Trolls. Just PM me if you want to RP. (Is it just me or do all high class women drink red wine at bars...? So weird...)

Well, hoped you like this about me section. If you didn't, then WHY'D YOU BOTHER READING IT?!?! Stupid! Just kidding, just kidding! Anyway, thanks for reading this and see you.


Viewing 12 of 64 friends


Stuff I decided to Keep.

This includes rp art, avii art, links to rps... and stuff.


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Dirty Old Master

Report | 06/28/2012 12:08 pm

Dirty Old Master

Glad you like it!
Dirty Old Master

Report | 06/27/2012 11:20 pm

Dirty Old Master

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Report | 03/17/2012 7:40 pm


i'm pretty sure that doesn't come out for a while, but I could be wrong. I'm gonna start playing again after we move, I've missed it and leveling up my professions and such. smile I've been leveling my professions because I can't get an 85 yet, so that's really all I can do, haha.

Report | 03/17/2012 7:30 pm


Idk, is that even out yet? I don't plan on getting any of that crap anyway, it looks lame. As I said, I haven't even played in a few months.

Report | 03/17/2012 11:00 am


Ahh okay -- I recently got into it (like late last year) but we're moving in 3 weeks so I haven't had the chance to play it. I haven't played it for a good 2, maybe 3 months. I kinda miss it, haha.

Report | 03/16/2012 11:22 pm


Dropping in to say hi smile And that I'm also a fellow WoW player. 3nodding

Report | 07/08/2011 11:15 pm


Spamm-ity spam~

Report | 05/29/2011 5:18 pm


HAIIIIIIIII~ dramallama

Report | 09/20/2010 4:00 pm


Boss Rimi

Report | 06/05/2010 3:47 pm

Boss Rimi

Hai venny!