Bain Darkstalker

Bain Darkstalker's avatar

Last Login: 01/27/2022 7:07 pm

Registered: 01/08/2005

Gender: Male

Location: DarkStalker Castle


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Name: Bain Darkstalker

Age: 1700 years old

Race:Lycanthrope with knowledge of the arcane.

Abilites:Bain as an array of powers, firstly, his own Lycan powers: the ability to change into a werewolf, or a full wolf at that, self regeneration, superhuman strength and senses. He also has a arsenal of magic spell as his disposal, being able to cast them with only a few words, also having the ability to cast regeneration magic on others. Bain is highly skilled with the sword, his sword "The Hammerwolf" is something of a legacy, the only thing he has from a past he does not remember.

Bio:Bain is a unique one of his kind, being as old as he is and knowing as much as he does, he is a dangerous man if crossed. He does not remember much of his childhood anymore, nor most of the past few hundred years. He remembers as far back as his first love and the tragedy that tore her from him. Bain had been on a journey studying magic and combat as a way to forget his past to try and find a cure for what he was. The more he learned though the more dangerous he became, knowing all sorts of spells for combat, defence, even prolonging his life as such. His signature spell is the portals he uses to get from one place to another as long as he has been to the location once before. Bain had many friends and families and enemies as well. He was a major in a long forgotten war of the four horseman, having become a warrior for the horseman of war. Bain traveled abroad once more, leaving everything he had loved behind. He was ashamed of what he had done to his friends, his family, his wife. After years in solitude, he has returned to his home to pick up the pieces of a broken past.


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Bain Darkstalker's Journal

This journal may have some mature content, Viewer's who may not like foul language or bloody stories stay away


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alexandria rose thorn Report | 03/27/2010 5:34 pm
Quite horrid...
alexandria rose thorn Report | 03/07/2010 11:01 am
Hello Bain, how are you?
i syrxo i Report | 02/13/2010 12:57 pm
ur lucky =/
i syrxo i Report | 02/13/2010 12:54 pm
how long have u been with her?
i syrxo i Report | 02/13/2010 12:47 pm
got anything planned?
and im alittle nervis about tomorrow .0.
i syrxo i Report | 02/13/2010 12:40 pm
i like your avi btw... it looks better this way.
i havnt talk to u in a day or so.. hope ur valentines day goes good.
i syrxo i Report | 02/11/2010 11:14 pm
400k >.<
the price is goin up sadly =[
but im a persistent little camper so im
still gonna keep trying to get it ^-^
i syrxo i Report | 02/11/2010 11:05 pm
ive got 184k
im questing donkeyskin so ive still got a long way to go o.e
i syrxo i Report | 02/11/2010 10:36 pm
my cl is 7 ive been playing like crazy for the gold
i syrxo i Report | 02/11/2010 10:32 pm
xD im actually playing zomg =P


My goal in life is to disturb as many people as I can. Make them just as sick as I am so I don't stand out as much.[/size:1e185d6671][/color:1e185d6671]


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