
Aralik's avatar

Registered: 05/14/2008

Gender: Male


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I'll start my introduction off by saying... that I'm not very good at introductions. I'm not really good at talking or rather, typing about myself. Some things are better left unsaid. I'll give you some info though.

- I'm 35

- I love to read (I have over 400 books heart )

- I'm the Captain of the 20,000 Poll Guild

- I have a small circle of people that I trust deeply, and that trust is the thing I value most. And that breaking my trust is one of the things that you should never do

- I tend to keep to myself a lot. I'm always thinking about things. Deep in thought all the time. Never ceasing

>>>>> I'm done....Sorry if its short.


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Geista Report | 03/09/2017 5:15 am
Geista Report | 09/01/2015 1:34 pm
3nodding It has its getting harder and harder to stay active on Gaia the way its becomeing so hard to buy things in Marketplace and the way they are making the site more and more Gaia Cash based in my opinion, and yeah the app would be a bit better I think they could gain back a lot of people but that is unlikely as greedy as they have become lately, Hugs
Geista Report | 08/31/2015 10:30 pm
Im glad you are and sends hugs for you, I do miss talking with so many of you as so few are left. emotion_hug
Geista Report | 08/23/2015 9:06 am
Hugs Thank You! I hope you are doing well also! heart
Angry Kitsune Report | 11/09/2013 11:38 am
Awwwwww...... Same to you! Hope you had a good one, 4laugh
Unnursvana Report | 10/28/2013 6:28 am
oh really? what is your username on tumblr?

I am fine, had a bit of a sucky day at school but other then that I am fine. I am exchange student in South Korea at the moment and it is amazing heart
Geista Report | 10/25/2013 3:32 pm
Unnursvana Report | 10/25/2013 2:43 am
I don't know anyone ether irl, which can sometimes suck when you want to vent about it because you are just surrounded with something that is just so uninteresting to you, yet so interesting to others talk2hand I only know of this site AVEN that has a pretty good forum and I go there sometimes, but I know mostly just about some tumblr blogs about asexuality like , and sometimes I go on those sites when I am feeling down or alienated a bit because I am asexual and I feel a little better.
Unnursvana Report | 10/25/2013 2:11 am
yes, it is a pretty good feeling that there isn't anything wrong with you just because you don't have any desire for sex unlike almost everybody around you 4laugh
Unnursvana Report | 10/23/2013 7:23 am
omg, another asexual heart

