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ChuichiDaisetsu Ashika

ChuichiDaisetsu   Ashika's avatar

Registered: 05/14/2008

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below is TONS of fanservice, little boys, slight nudity, and who noes what. enjoy =3

time for shota =D

pico to chico:
User Image to chico/Hashiba69/picoandchico.gif?o=2

well i really couldnt find that much shota >.> so sorry...



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yays tittle

hmm just some random stuff!!


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theWhistlingDuck Report | 05/06/2009 4:07 pm
Ne, have you talked to your friends about the cosplay yet? biggrin
theWhistlingDuck Report | 02/16/2009 4:07 pm
Experienced in the area, huh...?? sweatdrop ~~
theWhistlingDuck Report | 02/16/2009 4:05 pm
Just like how everyone would want you to "eat you babies".... 3nodding
theWhistlingDuck Report | 02/15/2009 9:26 pm
Wow, your valentine was so romantic, dahhhhling~~ 4laugh Accept your soggy embrace, huh??? rofl LMAOOOOOOOO!
The Atroxious Report | 01/22/2009 6:16 pm
The Atroxious
By the way, would you mind if I friended you on here?
The Atroxious Report | 01/21/2009 10:10 pm
The Atroxious
Yup. Little towns are cool to visit for a day. Spending a week there (with someone whose family hates you, much less!) is kind of a different story. And yeah, I have been in that situation. XD

Oh, and I thought about it. I'd say that I'd probably pay around 5-7k for your art. I don't really know much about the art market on Gaia to be honest, so I can't give you an idea of what most people would pay, but I think you'd not do badly in those terms.

Also, if you ever want help or advice on technique, form, et cetera, feel free to ask me about it if you so wish. I'm finding I quite enjoy helping people in this regard, after hanging out in the picture post.
The Atroxious Report | 01/21/2009 9:56 pm
The Atroxious
Yeah, I live in Chicago. I try to stop myself from assuming everybody lives in a big city, 'cause I've been to many a tiny town that had maybe two blocks of a commercial area, which was their "downtown". Can't give the same advice to those people.

The book is called "Drawing & Painting Fantasy Figures From The Imagination To The Page" by Finlay Cowan.

Funny thing is, even if I don't need to know how to draw something, I like to look at the how-to books rather than the coffee table books of fantasy art. The latter tend to be very sexed up, and while sexy can be good, I don't need a hundred pages of it!
The Atroxious Report | 01/21/2009 7:24 pm
The Atroxious
You're very welcome. You truly deserve it.

As for Holly Black's books, yeah, they can be a bit difficult to find unless they only just came out. Uhm...I'd say the only guaranteed bet would be to order them online. Though if there's a big chain bookstore in your vicinity, I'm sure you could order them from there. *Trying not to sound like a big city girl assuming everyone else lives in such a commercial area*

I read the sequel to Tithe, Valiant. It was good, though, as I remember, not quite as good as Tithe. Still, it's a worthwhile read, even if some of the little details seemed off. Ironside I have not been able to get my hands on at all. See, I'm kinda...broke, and that combined with some bad experiences with books makes me like to borrow some from the library before I buy. Unfortunately, I haven't seen Ironside at the library (which makes no sense, 'cause they have about s mllion copies of Tithe and Valiant) so I'm still looking about. I think it avoids me.

Still, if they get back to the Kaye and Roiben in that book, I'm psyched! It's these books that really turned me on to the fey.

Oh! Funny story, I once bought this fantasy art book after I had read Tithe. In it, there was a picture of a pale-haired guy with point ears entitled "Roiben" by Theodore Black. I though this to be the oddest coincidence...until I read Valiant, and noticed where it said her husband was a painter named Theodore. D'oh!
The Atroxious Report | 01/20/2009 10:15 pm
The Atroxious
And I forgot to say: You like the book Tithe? Man, I read it some years back and I loved it! I remember thinking it was the best thing I had read in a long, long time. I really need to read it again.
The Atroxious Report | 01/20/2009 10:11 pm
The Atroxious
I am sorely tempted to stalk you 'cause your art is so amazing. I have never seen anyone at your age whose art had the same impact as yours (and my best friend was really impressed when I showed him as well).

Hah, there's not really any other reason for this comment than that I cannot get over how good you are. And not just good, but emotionally impacting, which is the key to truly great art.

So...yeah. There you have it. Keep drawing! I'll be very worth it.


i'm not short! i'm fun sized.


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