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BielHDP on 05/05/2023

How to be a Nerd (nigahiga)

Miku Hatsune

Wizard Swears

Akatsuki sailor song


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xXx-Neko-Meidoshiki-xXx Report | 12/11/2009 4:43 pm
damit macy how ******** dare you dont ever get on this account again i was saveing up to buy something and you wasted it i want my 7500 gold back
Ayatai Report | 11/17/2009 9:43 pm
hey how've you been O.o
Paikuu Report | 11/15/2009 3:38 pm
Awwwwh I keep disconnecting D:!
We should totally go on another search for a robot xD
xXx-Neko-Meidoshiki-xXx Report | 11/11/2009 5:50 pm
look up travis jonson 1234
darkfiredragon16 Report | 10/19/2009 9:24 pm
thank you for purchasing at my store hope you enjoy!

Lord Deathcakes Report | 10/07/2009 2:28 pm
Lord Deathcakes
>>;Well what was it? =)
Lord Deathcakes Report | 10/05/2009 2:01 pm
Lord Deathcakes
What was the sparkley thingy? a penny? :O
Xxmeesa_murders416xX Report | 10/05/2009 12:16 pm
thx for buying ^.~
Le Chemin Report | 08/22/2009 10:11 pm
Le Chemin
xXx-Neko-Midgimodo-xXx Report | 08/05/2009 10:39 am
7th a really light blonde and you call me your little retarted friend

X Maora X

X Maora X's avatar


What to say, My real name is Macy, my favorite colors are grey and white. My email is I enjoy playing computer games and reading manga (i'm a nerd XD). What I hate is the color orange... never really figured out why ._. I am a middle child and I am 13, my birthday is 10-22. I also hate talk shows...weird huh? There are three things that I love.

1. Crossdressers-guys only ^o^.

2. People dressed up like animals or maids.

3. Weird Japanese folk legend creatures XD.

I have two bestfriends in real life, one is short and the other err I can't really describe her :l OHH! My catch phrase (yes i'm a supa hero XD) is ON CHA! And thas about it. OHHHH. Dont ask me for gold, Dont randomly ask me to be my friend unless you're one of the top three things i like wink . And dont stalk me O.T PLEASE!!!!!!!

Meh Playlist

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My Evil Twin!!!


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Aint this moon ******** awesome!?