No one really uses this thing anymore...
Or at least out of my friends that is.

MORGAN, if you're reading this, sorry about the caps. I just really didn't want to bother with it because it's 1 in the morning on saturday and something is happening where i cant stay up that late lately..... you know what i mean. BUT ANYWAYS>>>> Um, why did we ever have one of these? We are so lame. Omg. And idk what day you're reading this, but as of right now there are 15 days till I come to OS! 4 till new years eve. aka, when i see you.

Pretty much, I love Tate from American Horror Story, Doctor Who in general, any thing Friends related, and Sam Evans from glee. (Mainly because there is a guy that looks just like him at my school and I feel like I stalk a famous person... yes, I have told him this.) and no it wasn't awkward. I've seen him change. so... not much else is awkward.

and anyone else. You're all creeps. Quit stalking me.

(There is some weird ritual thing that happens a couple of days before Christmas each year where Mogan posts on my wall/blog/dash/page...)