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Lylery Lusifer

Lylery Lusifer's avatar

Registered: 04/22/2008

Gender: Female



Greetings.... this is my rping account. I am not going to say my real name but you can call me Lylery or Lily. I dont talk that much, and I tend to work my own problems out and most of all.. work alone.

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- Name: Lylery Lusifer
- Birthday: April 10th
- Age: 17 (around)
- Species: Half wolf (She was born a human but she was kidnapped which happened at the same night as the house fire, at age 8, and tested on in a lab so she can be a werewolf like her relatives, but there was a mishab and she turned half wolf and ran away.)
- Gender: Female
- Hair: black/short
- Eyes: light blue mixed with light grey/silver
- Height: 5'5
- Appearance?: The book I'm currently making
- Hobbies: sings, plays instraments (piano, violen, maroomba, guitar, maybe an orcarana)
- Personality: Very smart, always up for a challage, and focused
- Favorite color: black, purple
- Favorite season: Winter
- Family: all dead, used to have parents and two younger brothers (died in a house fire caused by the vampires). The mother was the werewolf, the father was human, the two brothers were half and half but werewolf was more dominant than human.
-Home: used to live in the middle of the woods in a house.
- Dress: always wore black/gothic stuff, on fancy occasions, she wears purple dresses.
- Friends: Drew Zendal (a guy, he also haves a crush on her), Nathan Russel (a guy, also a scientist), Casey (a guy, also a ghost, he haves a crush on her as well since he was a kid, even in his after life, he still loves her and vows to protect her like he promised as a kid)
- History: There was a war between werewolves and vampires, the vampires won the war but there were only a few werewolves that survived and ran away. The werewolves tried to repopulate but failed to do so. They all got together at a party to celebrate for a close friend (Casey), but the vampires raided and killed barely everyone. The only people that got out were the Lusifers.)
- Goals: to kill the vampires before they over populate and kill all the humans and take over the whole earth by summoning demons/darkness from the underworld and cover everything in darkness where the vampires can roam for eternity.

I'm sorry about my comments, I have removed it. If you want to contact me or anything, you can always leave me a privite message.

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My words in existance.

I express my feelings in words, songs, poems... though my creator is an artist that expresses her feelings in art.


Sing to the moon, it will bring you good luck...


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