About meh!
ok...so i'm amy...i am 12 years old. If I could choose one word to describe me it would probably be...: different...If you were wondering what i mean by: different its like...example: one day i was sitting on the computer and i picked up a pair of scissors and started to chew on the handle...DIFFERENT!! ummmm....i don't like people who always need to know what your whispering or talking about...it just annoys the hell out of me when people want to know your buisness, i like people who are open and like to do crazy and ellegal things...*not that ive done something ellegal...*...
*winks*....ummmm....the most annoying thing ever is when people chew with there mouth open...my gawd shut your freekin mouth!...
ok ummm....well i don't know what else to say....oh i'm taken just to let all ya'll know....my favorite color is green...my favorite kind of
food is azn food...i love my cousins!....i am German, Norweigen, Sweedish,...i'm pretty much just skandanavion...ummm.....well like i'm a pretty abnormal girl i thnk it's fun and intersting to do stuff your not suposed to do...when i'm with my freinds outside of school i'm crazy....just like one of my icons i run into walls...alot!...once i ran into a pole with caution tape on it...i trip up sstairs...to tell u the truth this is really funny i trip on flat ground...
well i'm probably boreing you but yea ok...hopefully you've learned something about me....peace, love, and happiness...lol jk....ok peace and if you have any questions about meh then just comment or private msg. so yea byebye...^^
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