Name: Mona LleuadAge: 29
Race: Humanoid Witchwolf
Archetype: Action girl, Feminist Fantasy, Our Werewolves are different, Wolfman
Alignment CN
backstory: Reclusive and standoffish, Mona tended to be a Highwayman for most of her post adolescent years. She grew up in pack until her alpha and her had a baaaaad falling out. She made it into a city and was taken in by a would be gang leader who saw she was an easy mark. He got her strung out on a opiod drug called Shiver before she turned 18 and would motivate her to be an inforcer with the stuff. Eventually she saw enough dead teens that she got cleanish and broke out of the group. She fled the city and was taken in not by her old pack... but by a tribe of horse lords far out on the plans. They taught her how to bond with horses and how to hone her skills into hunting.
Stats (out of 20)
Str 10
Dex 18
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 14 (+2 in lupine form)
Cha 8
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And UGGGGGH being a grown-up is the worst sometimes. No time for anything fun and when you do have time, there's almost no one to play with 'cause they're busy. crying
AND I HOPE YOU DO!!! I think I have a Discord account(?) which I may have to dust off a little. sweatdrop
Being an adult is the pits sometimes.
Oh s**t
this one actually sort of reminds me of the one that shows up in hellblade...
these are the exact things that gauge is terrified of encountering lol
also hello long time no see
Having a significant other who DMs is great. My poor girlfriend has to deal with me turning her games into dating sims :3 ))
I made a goblin mechanic for a dieselpunk game using the Genesys system. His name was Vance Blackslacks and he was a 50’s style greaser that talked like Elvis. He sported a pompadour and wore a leather jacket over his coveralls. He needed cash to take care of his aging pa and the family auto shop. Our last session we played he stole blueprints for an experimental aircraft. The game was even being recorded too, but the GM couldn’t keep up with it due to life things so unfortunately we stopped playing. I hope Wyse’s adventures go on for a lot longer than Vance’s! ))
I just gotta get character sheets in my actual physical hands and wait for the dice I JUST ORDERED!!! <3