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Pronounced "sigh-pun". You can call me Sypon, Sy, Spoon, or whatever tickles your fancy that isn't Syphon. Ehehe.

I am singularly involved in the Hivestuck B/C, of which I am a manager. If the world of Alternia strikes your fancy or you're interested in a great RP environment, stop by! No knowledge of Homestuck or trolls is required; we cover everything you need to know in shop. On Gaia I also enjoy carousing other RPs, dressing up my avatar as dim alien scientists and dodo samurai, and lurking.

I've got friend requests off because of reasons! Just PM me if you'd like a request (and we are actually well acquainted). Ain't no thang.

Awesome fun quiz results!

I'm a college graduate with a degree in Digital Art & Animation; if you'd like to take a look at my art blog or website shoot me a message!

I adore movies, media and games, particularly animated films and Nintendo games of the N64-Gamecube era. I also played a ton of WoW from vanilla through Cataclysm. Since attending school I haven't had any time to play video games, but now that I'm free I hope to get back into it!

This is a rather dry profile page, so if you've read through it, thanks! XD I tend to keep this sparsely updated in case of a Word Games ambush.

Hey, and if you vaguely recognize me from the WG a few hundred years back, feel free to say hi! Everyone seems to have gotten username changes, and my memory is terrible.

Thanks for visiting!


Viewing 12 of 20 friends


Found in an empty cornfield



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

taxidermy jesus

Report | 02/28/2015 8:01 pm

taxidermy jesus

taxidermy jesus

Report | 02/17/2015 7:13 pm

taxidermy jesus


Report | 12/01/2014 12:32 pm


Love the avi!!
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/24/2014 12:03 am

taxidermy jesus

You should press charges. I am pretty sure murder is illegal. I think. I don't think schools are like corporations. They aren't people yet, so maybe you can't sue them for anything.

I am miraculously free on Thanksgiving. For now. I should probably make some festive plans or something.
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/22/2014 3:40 pm

taxidermy jesus

-puts on hachimaki like a champ-

so what's hizzappenin on your end?
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/22/2014 2:54 pm

taxidermy jesus

there are no raises here
i did earn some sick days tho
i am now allowed to get sick without it affecting my attendance
i really need to get a fire under my a** and apply to some other places
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/22/2014 3:14 am

taxidermy jesus

it doesn't really need to hold me hostage anymore
i think i'm developing stockholm syndrome
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/20/2014 1:59 am

taxidermy jesus

i've fallen into the plane of suck
scaled the plateau of boring
taxidermy jesus

Report | 11/19/2014 9:03 am

taxidermy jesus

taxidermy jesus

Report | 08/04/2014 12:42 pm

taxidermy jesus

cool avi bru


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