Th3 M1ss1ng L1nk

Th3 M1ss1ng L1nk's avatar

Last Login: 04/12/2010 1:37 pm

Registered: 03/10/2008

Gender: Male

Location: The internet or when I'm not online...The UK.

Birthday: 06/09

Occupation: Student/computer graphics obbsesive.


DeviantART- Watch me and I'll watch you back
Twitter- Follow me and I'll follow back
Patch and quilt
The PD Quiz
Profile Coding Help
Skype - lyndexer
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About The Gaian

About The Gaian

I've been on gaia for about 2 and a half years now and in that time I've managed to create my own charity; become a moderator in another charity; get loads of lovely art; learn how to code CSS; become pretty well off on Gaia and (above all) make some great friends. I'm an ATer, a hoarder, an exchanger, profile designer and an aspiring moderator for Gaia (I still have to wait 3 years for that though).

I'm 15 and I live in the UK. In September I'll start the last year of my GCSE courses. From there I plan to go to College then University. To anyone who doesn't live in the UK the education system can be very confusing (I don't get it sometimes, haha). I'm studying art, graphical design, french, german, geography and all of the compulsory subjects. At College I plan on studying psychology, geology, graphic communication, fine art, computing and english language for two years and from there decide what to do at University (probably graphical artist or games designer).




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Melchiore Report | 04/11/2012 4:21 pm
Where has you been? T~T /huggles Come back soon. 3nod (I miss you too)
Jitaroo Report | 06/09/2010 9:59 am
Happy birthday you. :D Miss seeing you around. DX
cyber saliva Report | 02/16/2010 5:53 pm
cyber saliva
I know what you mean. I'd never actually tried one til I made this guy, but he came out all-right. Hopefully my next one will be even better. :]
cyber saliva Report | 02/16/2010 4:31 pm
cyber saliva
:Q *drool*

I am envious of your 1337 avi skillz. :[
Jitaroo Report | 02/14/2010 10:41 am
XD Yeah. Bah well.
Jitaroo Report | 02/13/2010 11:14 am
o3o Fun fun.
And yeah, just doesn't work with every browser. Much fail.
Jitaroo Report | 02/13/2010 10:53 am
And oh~. |D; Then there's a few contests (Usual CPC, which is in Quick round. Kitty contest. One by Cact), not much has wow'ed me lately profile wise, just an influx of necro'ed threads and newblets.
And probably a good idea. :D' I need to get around to redoing mine.
Jitaroo Report | 02/13/2010 10:32 am
XD; Fairly crap. You?
A~nd. o-o No. Not really. Wouldn't know what would be new to be honest.
miiimic Report | 01/10/2010 1:03 pm
Thanks! T hough it was kinda underdeveloped~ :C
Oh well n 3n"
Sendoku Report | 01/04/2010 2:36 pm
United States of Pop 2009 by DJ it. ;3;
