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©opyяıgнт вecкeяz

Oldbie 2004

My profile is minimal because I want it to be.
I've done my time with complicated layouts and designs and eye-candy, littered with facts about myself that most of you probably do not even care to read about.
What you see is what you get.
Peoples opinions change from one person to another. That being said, what I think of myself may not be what you think. Form your own opinions. I will not spoon-feed you information about me. Talk, listen, learn. It's not that hard. Promise.

What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Stronger

Name: Becky
Age: Your Age Plus or Minus Some

That's all you really need to know about me.

Are you serious? Last time I checked, what didn't kill you didn't make you stronger; IT ALMOST KILLED YOU.

Some things about me[constantly updated]:
I am incredibly shallow. Usually I'm nice, though.
I bite my lips. Frequently.
Things piss me off EASILY, but I hide it quite frequently.
I'm terrible at conversation starters.
Je parle français. At random moments.
I add "ne" at the end of a few of my sentences.
Music is important, but I can live without it.
I use emoticons A LOT. Always, in fact.
I don’t like hugs all that much.
I use sarcasm like it's a drug addiction.
I dislike the English language to an extent. As a result, I'm more likely to use the French or Japanese or possibly GERMAN equivalent instead.
I love strange things. You'll get used to it.
I get awkward easily.
I'm too curious for my own good.
I used to have a pretty successful Webcomic back in seventh and eighth grade. I'm actually still very proud of it, and would still be doing it if I wasn't so damn lazy.
Sometimes when I say "brb" in conversation, it's really because I just don't feel like responding.

