NiteMAREXIII's avatar

Last Login: 03/25/2020 3:18 pm

Registered: 12/08/2004

Gender: Female

Birthday: 05/10

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A pastel goth alien witch.

The Criminally Insane,The Depressed,and Mentally Disturbed

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Words of The Living and The Dead and sometimes the Insane

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FrozenHeart32 Report | 02/27/2018 4:32 pm
Thx for buying~ heart
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 1:36 pm
i would love to play that game. I like a lot of old games. Still have my N64 and Gamecube. 3nodding :
Oh man, there are a ton of MP items I want that will never get. I try to whittle down my wishlist as much as possible to items I desperately need. XD Like clown items.
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 8:53 am
Well I've never played the game. But the items are old items. Probably 6 years old or so. And super cheap, if they're available in the MP.
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 8:20 am
I get that a lot x) Fool's Fortune is my favorite item on here. biggrin
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 7:25 am
Awww. xp I keep changing it because I want to use my new items. But she's still a jester/clown.
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 6:19 am
Haha. I used to spy on people in the shops like that. Anytime you see a pink clown avatar, it's probably me. XD
Visforviolet Report | 05/24/2017 6:01 am
YOU FOUND ME. :0 Good detective work.
Crunchy Cream Report | 05/22/2017 12:45 am
Crunchy Cream
Thank you for buying heart
Please do come again.
The Legendary Yuki Report | 05/14/2017 5:54 pm
The Legendary Yuki
Okay! I'll be looking for you there. ^_^
The Legendary Yuki Report | 05/13/2017 1:40 pm
The Legendary Yuki
Post a pic of it at Subeta sometime? 3nodding Better to act like a kid again than to grow old too soon. Oh. Oh man that sounds like a lot ahead of you. One step at a time I guess, get him neutered and bring him inside. How is the pregnant mama doing?

bug and further annoy

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