this journal is about animes
gir is on your PS2 beating your ddr score! biggrin
gir sends you hugs!X3 you know you love it!
bleedman rox!
Daisy in her fox form!
it's me!<3 biggrin
my best buddies in the whole world biggrin
little miss thang
the sinner ;D
big mama wants her money!
oh my god it's my twin sis!!!!>W<
big bro got my back!*evil grin*
the heartthrobe awww D:
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Lol, don't worry, I'm not afraid to be your friend. Hope things go smoothly for you. Hmm, I think I should go to bed in about ten if I go offline without another word, then bye. Talk to you later. n_n
I need to do somethinggg. I can't let boredom consume me. 0: