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Avi Design Based on Neko's Avi


Info of MEH!!!!

I love to draw, love anime, manga, games, death, violence, and modding.
Age: 18
Taken by: Webpage Title
I'm a lazy, smart person. ...I think I am when I am capable if skipping 4 grades. But I never pay much attention in class.
According to my friends, I'm a gentleman.
I'm ADDICTED to Role Playing! If you want to RP, pm me and whenever I'm not to my girlfriend, I'll try and RP with ya.

...Oh, and if I ever cross paths with anyone who harms a single on of my friends, I'll Kill them. Literally. And pray to your god that I don't throw logic out, then I would hunt you to the ends of the earth.


I love you mai Kitteh!
Your foxxeh was here.
I just wanted to say...-
You’re the best guy ever.
Your sweet, smart, loving, caring and nice...
I can’t believe we are actually together!
I just randomly added you one day on Gaia and I never thought we would end up where we are today.You are my one and only...I'm so lucky to have you. Whether you think I am or not...
I just can't believe we are so happy...You have made me so happy and I love you....
I have been through so many bad relationships and have never had someone like you...I’m glad to finally have you...I love you so much.
Your foxxeh was here, she hacked your profile. She also said she loves you multiple times and will say it again. I LOVE YOU KITTEH!

Who ever said cats and dogs dont get along? I think we are getting along pretty well.
Also, why did mommy say never talk to strangers?
A stranger is just a friend unmet and that friend can become so much more, as I have learned from experience..
I love you my dear <3
Always and forever no matter what...

Throwdown - Burn. ...Jase, This Is Something I Want You to Think about Metaphorically


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"No Idols,
No Heros,
No Leaders,
Just Pure Inner Strength" - Wicked Jester Clothing
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Behold my fuzziness!! Now love it!!!

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willika_kun Report | 04/09/2012 2:21 am
Thanks for buying 3nodding
Blood Promise Report | 08/23/2010 6:33 pm
Blood Promise
kitty i hope you're ok ill be on alittle more since school has started i hope you are ok and i miss you dearly please tell me you are alive and atleast not injured im so sad without you to talk to please message me as soon as possible so i know you're ok alright i mean it! kitty i love you still and i miss you know i still love you dearly and i hope to hear from you soon From deep in my heart i lve you like a brother and would be hurt badly if anything happened to you i miss you ill talk to you later
Lily <3333
EMO_CANNIBAL666 Report | 06/06/2010 8:04 pm
This post was removed because it appeared to be spam / chain mail.
EMO_CANNIBAL666 Report | 06/03/2010 3:40 pm
lol thts funny dude
Kage the Silver Kitsune Report | 05/28/2010 11:02 am
Kage the Silver Kitsune
The boring-ness happened to me too; about a year ago. But I just kinda forgot I had a Gaia and went about my own thing.... then after that year I came back, by chance; and found that all the items I had acquired back then were worth a TON more XD

Then I found new stuff to keep me going; but to each their own ^^.

It kinda sucks to see ya go; if you do delete; but I wish you luck in your new ventures.
Kage the Silver Kitsune Report | 05/27/2010 1:04 am
Kage the Silver Kitsune
I had just caught your Status message saying you were thinking of deleting; I've scoured your profile, and I'm not finding anything about it... I might have just missed it...
philostrate23 Report | 05/26/2010 3:05 am
Kage the Silver Kitsune Report | 05/25/2010 8:07 pm
Kage the Silver Kitsune
Why are you thinking of deleting?
EMO_CANNIBAL666 Report | 05/25/2010 7:45 pm
paul gray the bassiest died on the 24th of may

R.I.P #2 Paul Gray
Alice No Shirayuki Report | 05/25/2010 6:44 pm
Alice No Shirayuki
Sorry Neko! my comp wigged on MSN again.
Mr Neko 13

My drawings that I photoshopped color in. ...Also had to redo the lines since scanner sucks.

I still love her. And my paranoia is pissing me off. Because of it, I sometimes piss her off.