
Konnichwa! You can refer to me simply as "Chii".
Obviously it is not my name, but it will have to do. 3nodding
I am an avid fan of Anime, Manga, Sushi, Art, and Video games. No i am not Japanese, though i wished i was between the ages of 10-17. I am mixed with Irish, Cherokee, German, French, and English blood, to simplify i am white. whee

Other things that i enjoy would be:
heart The rain.
heart Drawing and Writing.
heart Spending time with my b/f and family.
heart Bits of random knowledge.
heart Horror Movies, and Games
heart Zombies, and Vampires
[currently working on my ZMMORPG] eek
heart Managing my forum site.
heart Any type of Animal
[I adore cats, panda's, & koala's]
heart Bleach, Southpark, Futurama, The Simpsons, Venture Brothers, and Occasionally when i feel like losing a few brain cells.. Family Guy
heart Art made for me is always loved and appreciated. biggrin
heart Donations!
[Who doesn't?]

Speaking of which, I am a very kind person, and i get along with everyone no matter age, gender, or color. However, Please do not mistake my kindness with generosity. I only donate to the people that i wish to donate to, any friend requests followed with a "Could you donate Item: xxx" will be laughed at and disposed of. I only state this because i have had people pretend to be my friend and use me for my items in the past.

User Image

It's my birthday on the 16th! heart
I have bought all of the items for my DA except of these.
Golden Laurels
All donations are appreciated. heart


Viewing 10 of 10 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 7:57 pm

Poe Briggs

So the more I look at it the less satisfied I am, and I'm adding to it. The corrections may even have been made by the time you read this, but either way the finished product will be viewable on the same page, since I'll just add the new version there.

Happy Birthday. :r

Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 4:36 pm

Poe Briggs

I m thar.
Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 4:06 pm

Poe Briggs

of the forum? (be back in 15, must run to store)
Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 3:34 pm

Poe Briggs

How about now?
Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 2:23 pm

Poe Briggs

Lol, sorry force of habit. NOT guild forum. CB forum. *ded*
Poe Briggs

Report | 10/07/2008 2:23 pm

Poe Briggs

Hey I am still listed as a newbie in the guild forum. Also, I think we should have a section to post cosplay pics, ideas, and tips. User Image
Poe Briggs

Report | 10/02/2008 7:51 pm

Poe Briggs

You should be able to see it on my profile? If not I'll send you an invite. User Image

Internet back then, or using someone else's?
Poe Briggs

Report | 09/15/2008 12:10 pm

Poe Briggs

I made a Crimson Beretta facebook group, I hope that's ok. If not, let me know and I will take it down.
Poe Briggs
Isley Quinzel

Report | 09/13/2008 5:14 pm

Isley Quinzel

Sarah told me about your camera-problem, and I always just used Windows Movie Maker, which messes up a lot and can be quite difficult xD

Maybe you could try looking up some new software to download? A lot of it is free, and would probably work with your camera.


It's my birthday on the 16th! heart
I have bought all of the items for my DA except of these.
Golden Laurels
All donations are appreciated. heart