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And now for something completely different...

...or as different as a damned blog can be, anyway. It started out as a project, it devolved into a chronicling of my misanthropy, rage, and occasional fits of glee. It sounds good, though, and might even make you laugh.



fubenkunai's avatar

Last Login: 01/11/2023 2:40 pm

Registered: 10/30/2003

Gender: Female

Location: west coast yo

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SOawesomeness Report | 03/31/2014 10:55 pm
I hadn't seen you online in a while! I hope life is treating you well. (:
Gamergurl909 Report | 08/22/2013 5:14 am
Awww thank you!! I wanted to make my avi as weird and random as possible with my personality in the mix of it. whee
Cameo Shot Report | 07/06/2013 9:06 pm
Cameo Shot
Would be better if there were bigger tipping options. I'm glad you made a wish list with items I could afford. I like gifting nice people. (My PMs have a tendency of getting stuck in outbox so I have to comment.) Thanks for the laugh.
Spark of Madness Report | 02/27/2013 10:52 pm
Spark of Madness
Your posts in the LI forum are some of the most reasonable, open minded and helpful ones that I've seen on this site. It's always encouraging to see rational and compassionate people on the internet. Have a lovely day!
western_eyes Report | 02/26/2013 3:33 pm
Thank you. It's fun to learn new things.
western_eyes Report | 02/26/2013 3:04 pm
I feel silly for asking, but what does MTE mean?
Twisturn 2 Report | 02/06/2013 5:32 pm
Twisturn 2
I just wanted to compliment your avatar. I like the "Demonic-Chicagp" thing you have going on.
GrandpaJones Report | 01/30/2013 11:18 am
very nice profile.....what did you get your batchler's in? sorry you don't like
Crinis Report | 01/13/2013 1:53 pm
You seem very insightful and I appreciated reading your post in LI!

Also, I know how you feel about the Chupacabra (and I actually know what it is...unless this is a band I don't know about then you may not relate to the following quite as well as I'd hope blaugh ). I feel the same way about griffins!

Cheers to our monsters/beasts (whatever suits you) that help make us, US!

Take care!
Pom Graines Report | 12/03/2012 8:48 am
Pom Graines
That... well. I want to use my words, but I have none for that, it's too awesome. rofl


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y halo thar!

once upon a time, i was a global moderator, but then i crawled out of the primordial internet and developed lungs, and alas, i can't go back. i was also once a student, but i graduated with my bachelor's degree in 2007 and have been doing various things (with my nice new lungs) ever since. my lungs and i are going to try to master our field, hur hur, so cross your fingers and hope they let us back in.

some random stuff that might tell you more than my really bad try at autobiography: i am secretly a crab inhabiting a human body; sisky discovered my terrible secret. i fear the burger king and i love el chupacabra-- seriously, say "chupacabra" to me and i'll squee. i have my own urban legend. i am addicted to stand-up comedy, music and flash movies. mrr!



serious business

please do not add me to your friends list if you do not actually know me, or if i have not talked to you in a non-moderator capacity at least a few times. i like my friends list to be actual friends. similarly, do not beg me for donations. it is a tos violation and it is very very rude. same with chain letters. rrr.


if you hit one of those radar speed carts with your car, but were going at or below the speed limit, would it take your picture?

"i have no idea how other people function without this kind of near-contant internal chaos." -dave eggers

interact with the dynamic and brainsick spambox in my comments. prease to entertain me!

If assholes could fly, this place would be busier than O'Hare.