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Kill it with fire.

Travis Strikes Again
Community Member
My Opinon on Sex
Warning: Serious Business

Kids these days are influenced by the media way too easy.
By kids I mean anyone under the age of 17.
Now, shut up.
I already know that kids having been having sex since the beginning of time, but it has never been this troublesome.
Like for instance, there's this one girl in my English class who I also shared a class with last school year too.
I would've never guessed that she was a dirty whore.
She was a skinny little thing.
And now look at her.
She's as big as a whale.
And no, I'm not talking about fat, I mean that little bug-eyed fetus growing inside her.
She said she's nervous because of it.
Well maybe you shouldn't have had sex then.
Jesus ******** Christ.
It's your own damn fault.
Just because everyone is doing it doesn't mean you should too.
I hope you learn your lesson when you're tested positive with AIDS.
It's not just her.
I swear, I've seen about five different girls who are pregnant just on my route from 1st to 2nd period.
And for the other's that say it's about 'love.'
You're too damn young to know anything about emotional bonds when it comes to sex.
As far as I'm concerned, sexual intercourse is for one thing only.
******** you and ******** your urge to mate because it looks cool.
Now a picture for your viewing pleasure.
User Image

Sorry if I have offended anyone, because I'm sure I have, but that's my attitude about the whole thing.