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Sumsum's Journal This a journal about what's happening in my life!

Community Member
Dear, Journal...

Life sucks... But not in a emo i want to kill myself way... not to be mean to all the suicidal people or emo people in the world

well i shouldnt say emo i should say the cutters 'cause most emo's arent cutters(relating to Jaimee's Speech!)

Well there isnt anyone to talk to on facebook ither than Kayla, Becca and well My Grandma so now im stuck listening to music alowd with my sister and well its 1:44am so it is pretty boring so now im stuck writing in this journal at this time in the morning when i should be sleeping because well im tired and this is pretty boring and to the people who are usto talking to mt sister on here,Summer, This is no longer Summers account its her sisters Hailey so yeah alittle about me


Name: Hailey
Current amount of gold:7,397g
My Sisters New Account: SumLee52

So that means if you want to talk to summer now you have to add her and talk to her from there!!

time goes by and nothing is happening in my life...
the most exicting thing happening in my life right now is that i might be going to canadas wonder land soon so im happy. also i might be going to a camp site i think its north of here but anyways its called Bon Echo

now im stuck on gaia for a while because there is nothing else to do ither than stupid crap on facebook which i dont feel like going on at the moment

so to the people who are reading this i guess i can say thanks for thepeople who did and for the people do didnt i really dont care about it because this note/journal entry has no point and is meaning less

heart ♥♥Hailey♥♥ heart