...for the deep thinkers. |
When people talk to God, it's called prayer. When God talks back, it's called schizophrenia.
Will I get kicked out of Barnes and Nobles for moving all the bibles into the fiction section?
I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?
The only reason people get lost in thought is because it's unfamiliar territory.
Murderer? Well, that's a harsh word. I prefer to think of myself as a Mortality Technician.
I love deadlines. I especially like the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by.
Worst excuse for not turning in homework: I couldn't find anyone to copy it from.
HikariAyano · Tue Aug 05, 2008 @ 04:36am · 0 Comments |
21. Optimism: Waiting for a ship to come in when you haven't sent one out. 22. As Long As There Are Tests, There Will Be Prayer In Public Schools. 23. Never interrupt your opponent while he's making a mistake. 24. You can go anywhere you want if you look serious and carry a clipboard. 25. If you don't pray in my school, I won't think in your church. 26. You know your god is man-made when he hates all the same people you do. 27. Love is like pi - natural, irrational, and very important. 28. life, n.: A whim of several billion cells to be you for a while 29. Evolutionists have proof without any certainty. Creationists have certainty without any proof. 30. It isn't homework unless it's due tomorrow. 31. You never learn anything by doing it right. 32. Friendships last when each friend thinks he has a slight superiority over the other. 33. It may look like I'm doing nothing, but I'm actively waiting for my problems to go away. 34. I come from a small town whose population never changed. Each time a woman got pregnant, someone left town. 35. Anyone who uses the phrase "easy as taking candy from a baby" has never tried taking candy from a baby. 36. It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea. 37. The shortest distance between two points is under construction. 38. Drawing on my fine command of language, I said nothing. 39. A criminal is a person with predatory instincts who has not sufficient capital to form a corporation. 40. Every rule has an exception. Especially this one.
HikariAyano · Sun Aug 03, 2008 @ 03:36am · 0 Comments |
Eevee (Tribute to Pokémon's 12th Anniversary) |
(February 27th is Pokemon's 12th Anniversary ~ this is dedicated to my favorite one!)
Eevee (イーブイ, Ībui?, Eievui in original Japanese language versions) is an extremely rare Pokémon with an unstable genetic code. This gives it the ability to evolve into seven different evolutions triggered by the environment, friendship, and radiation from elemental stones. It starts out with Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon in the first generation, and it gains Espeon and Umbreon in Pokémon Gold and Silver and Leafeon and Glaceon in Pokémon Diamond and Pearl. Choosing what to evolve it into is up to the trainers. It is a dark tan fox-like Pokemon that has cream on the tip of its tail and in a tuft around its neck.
In Pokémon Yellow, the player was to receive Eevee from Professor Oak at the beginning of the game. However, the player's rival decides to take the Eevee before the player can obtain it. The rival evolves his Eevee into any of the three evolutions available, depending on the outcomes of the player's encounters with him in the early parts of the game.[5] Two Eevee are owned by main characters of the anime. Ash's longtime rival Gary Oak uses an Eevee of great quality that eventually evolves into Umbreon, and May has one that hatches from an egg. It uses Shadow Ball, a Ghost-type attack, and participates in Pokémon Contests.
In the anime, Ash and his friends find a seemingly abandoned Eevee that belongs to a young boy, named Mikey, whose three older brothers host a party for Pokémon who evolve by evolution stones. Mikey hid Eevee because his brothers, who each have an evolution of Eevee (Vaporeon, Jolteon, and Flareon), were pressuring him to make Eevee evolve. Eevee shows how strong it is without having to evolve by helping to defeat Team Rocket and save a group of captured Pokémon. Mikey's brothers accepted his decision and apologized for pressuring him.
Red/Blue Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element stones.
Yellow Its genetic code is unstable, so it could evolve in a variety of ways. There are only a few alive.
Gold It has the ability to alter the composition of its body to suit its surrounding environment.
Silver Its irregularly configured DNA is affected by its surroundings. It evolves if its environment changes.
Crystal Its ability to evolve into many forms allows it to adapt smoothly and perfectly to any environment.
Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald An Eevee has an unstable genetic makeup that suddenly mutates due to its environment. Radiation from various stones causes this Pokémon to evolve.
FireRed An extremely rare Pokémon that may evolve in a number of different ways depending on stimuli.
LeafGreen Its genetic code is irregular. It may mutate if it is exposed to radiation from element stones.
Diamond A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments by taking on different evolutionary forms.
Pearl A rare Pokémon that adapts to harsh environments by taking on different evolutionary forms.
HikariAyano · Tue Feb 26, 2008 @ 12:40am · 0 Comments |
Randomly journalling at Megan's house. Yay~ Gold~
HikariAyano · Sun Sep 30, 2007 @ 05:46pm · 0 Comments |
PS: Here's an old piece of poetry I think I did when I was in my emo Roxas phase?
...its like your arm is out at at full length, reaching, grasping in vain, just to lightly touch, to brush, to stroke what emotions should be there. To really feel anything at all, it has to be extreme. We Nobodies... emotionless. Untouchable. What a lie... a worthless, worthless lie. So numb. Unable to feel the pain, the sorrow, the guilt... But happiness and love are equally denied. Are we really so forsaken? Rejected? Failures...?
HikariAyano · Fri Sep 28, 2007 @ 09:27pm · 0 Comments |
Will KH2FM and Re:CoM be released internationally? |
PS: This is an old rant from a couple months ago, I haven't checked for more updates, but as far as I know, we still know nothing. *sad*

RANT WARNING! If you strongly disagree with me this may cause your eyes to bleed/extreme seizures. If that's the case, don't bother flaming me. I already know how much I've hurt your poor, belittled brain. I mean... uh... thanks for your opinion, but I'm entitled to mine.
I think Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix and Re:Chain of Memories have a strong possibility of being released outside of Japan. My reasoning can best be summed up in a post I left in the official Kingdom Hearts 2 thread (link to exact post):
HikariAyano No, there hasn't been a release date mentioned for KH2FM . But neither Squeenix nor Nomura have said, "No it's not coming outside Japan." So get your facts staight else prove me wrong. I dare thee. The main reason the first KH mix wasn't released elsewhere? There were minimal differences between the mix and the version we got. Main reason I think KH2FM is coming here? Re:CoM. It's not just some special features off the original game we aren't getting this time. It's a whole game. And if Squeenix can make profit out of its international fans, trust me, it will. That's what major companies do. While I think it would be awesome to button-mash Marluxia without the use of cards, I would settle for just a release of Re:CoM without Final Mix 2. I mean, wouldn't you? The large amount of fans contacting Square Enix begging for KH2FM and Re:CoM to be released in America, Europe and elsewhere is not going unnoticed. Information on Nomura's "New Project" will be released at the Tokyo Game Show 2007 in September. We can look for to that, and possibly, someone will ask about Re:CoM and KH2FM coming here. Yay? ...pfft. I'm broke right now anyway, so I'll just sit till Christmas when my relatives give me cash. If there's no news by then, I'm picking up a copy of the mix at the next convention. -_- (A week after it came out in Japan there was an anime convention in my state and it was for sale for $80, but I didn't feel like getting my PS2 modded.) One last thing? I don't care if my post is deleted or yelled at because "zomg its not coming get over it" because... well... some people still have hopes. And its more likely than you think. No one's denied it yet. Re:CoM, while just a godly remake of CoM, is something Square Enix can profit from if they bring it here. And profit is one thing they care about. I do apologize for this being a long post. And sadly, I likely won't come back to check for responses. If you appreciate that I'm actually into the whole 'capitalization and punctuation' stuff and hopeful that it will come, PM me and we can speculate together. >>
Well, no one PMed me. And, as I quite expected, I was just as flamed as I was supported. Also amusing was that my supporters lightly flamed the flamers, pointing out errors in their posts. I appreciate this. I'm also amused that most of the people who flamed me didn't bother being literate. Again, not suprised. I appreciate the opinions only of those who actually did bother being literate, for example:
Evil Penguin Overlord Have you not been paying attention to things? SA of North America hosted an online chat. When asked about the release of FM they said it wasn't going to happen. More specifically that there were no plans for a Western release at all. Furthermore, they stated that FM games are intended for Japan only. And finally if they were to come to the US it would take years, and that's still IF. In reference to the fan thing, companies don't have to listen to they fans. Especially a large company like SE. They know that they can release total crap in a box and people will buy it. Look at Dirge of Cerberus.
Personally? I'd like a copy of this chat. And any noted publications of it. Also, if possible, a link to anyplace that Square Enix has officially stated that they will not be doing an international release. They know we want it. They haven't said no yet, to my knowledge. They haven't offically said yes, though magazines may rumor otherwise.
What major gaming sites have to say on Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix: Square-Haven.com link KHExtreme.co.uk link KingdomHearts3.net link EuroGamer.net link Pro-G.co.uk link
Timeline of (worthwhile) events concerning the game: 09 July 07 - At E3 2007 Square Enix announces lineup of games. While KH2FM isn't on the list, take note that neither is FFXIII. Isn't that odd? link xx July 07 - 1Up.com says the release date to be 01/01/08 (WTF?!). link xx June 07 - UK Official Playstation Magazine 2, issue 086, page 28: "But Final Mix won't be out in the West until late Autumn 2007, so you'll have to be patient." link (highlighted by a green box) 24 Apr 07 - Square Enix Representative (Neil) contacted. link 29 Mar 07 - Official Japanese release of KH2FM and Re:CoM. 12 Jan 07 - Patrick Klepek of 1Up.com says that KH2FM and Re:CoM are to come out in Fall 2007. link "And for the Square Enix fans, look forward to Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix, previously thought to be a Japan-only upgrade, to arrive here in the fall, complete with the Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories 3D remake. That's one hell of an "extra."" *1Up.com is the official site for EGM (Electronic Gaming Monthly). This was also published in EGM. 12 Dec 07 - "Tetsuya Nomura has told Famitsu magazine that gamers should expect announcements on multiple Kingdom Hearts related products in 2007." link
HikariAyano · Fri Sep 28, 2007 @ 09:19pm · 0 Comments |
Why three friends on their periods should not hang out. |
....*groans* Yeah, marvelous weekend. My online friend Lorien, she's from New Orleans, wants me to break up with my girlfriend, Bridgette. But I seriously don't have that in me. I take her advice to heart, Lorien wants better for me... I just want things to work. ...B said she hated me, hit me for touching her, stuff like that.... Terra caught in the middle... I don't know what's for the best.
...this weekend I wanted to see her. Just her. To patch things up. Terra was fine with that. B got this weekend off, she found that out on Thursday. Said I was selfish for wanting to only see her. Especially since she wouldn't be able to see Terra any other time. Okay, fine... that sunk in. She could see Terra. So we both went to Terra's.
........*rubs forehead* Where did it start... she came and she was happy... until..... she asked how Terra got this mark, and was mad when I didn't answer fast enough.... claimed I didn't want to talk to her ...anyway, got so mad at me really fast I wasn't sure how it happened... still not... and I was hysterical over it.... ask Terra sometime... I honestly dont' remember much... I didn't black out, but it was such a horrible event that I have a giant memory gap...
....we got so sick of fighting though, that Terra said just to drop it and we'd bring it up in the morning, and in the morning, everything was fine... but before I get into the second day, I want to see if I can put in words anything I was feeling from that night...
...all I wanted was to be forgiven for earlier events that I wasn't ever forgiven over. She'd been off and on mad at me since.... .right after Wild Waves. ...when I hadn't talked to Tori for a week because I'd been all over the place... and I wanted to talk to Tori. So Terra and B slept together and I talked to Tori all evening. When Terra left for work I wanted to sleep and B was pissed at me and wouldn't let me sleep. She probably doesn't even recall, but that's where things stemmed from.
I still felt I did nothing wrong there. Yet she was mad at me, and I didn't want her to be... so I apologized anyway. When I wasn't forgiven... I got mad at her, and hurt her... that I was sorry for, but shouldn't be forgiven for.
....so that was on my mind. And the convention was on my mind. She slapped me then... for touching her hair... she justified it as I did the same thing.... I didn't want her touching my butt earlier, so I had swatted her hand away but I didn't slap her in the face like she did me. ...I just... wanted this weekend... to talk to her about all the fighting we'd been doing and to get over it. It's why I wanted to see just her. And she called me 'selfish' for that.
.......those three things were on my mind. Plagueing my mind as I was rocking back and forth on the bathroom floor, and Terra trying to calm me down. ...she didn't understand why I was like that. But I know she cares about me as much as I care about Bridgette... so I asked her wouldn't she be feeling the same way... if I did to her what B had been doing to me....? ...then she understood.
B was so sick of my crying. We were both sick of me begging to be forigiven and taken back for things I didn't even really need to be sorry for... yet she was mad at me for anyway.... she pulled me up by my hair... I out of the bathroom and hid next to Terra on the bed and curled into a ball, was seriously terrified that she was going to hurt me more....
*shakes head* ...and Terra took my side of things and I just curled up with her.... but we were all too tired to keep it up, so Terra just said to drop it until morning...
Terra was doing a lot of the cross-communicating that night considering I was hardly coherent enough to defend myself. I was being yelled at..
......in the morning.... everything was fine.
.....we went to breakfast.
....but that's not the end of the story.
...she wanted to drag Terra all around town after breakfast, and I just wanted to stay in the apartment. But of course, if someone wants to leave, Terra has to go with them... she kind of has to, because of the apartment escort rules... but she's also a pushover like that... so I stayed behind.
.....and I played WoW. They came back and left, came and left, came and left... scarcely telling me where they were going and how long they'd be gone. When they do come back and stay, B is hungry. Terra usually only eats one meal a day, and I think it's kind of rude to eat all her food....
...but before I had time to really argue, she yells at me for playing WoW all day. Fine, but she left all day. Yes, I could have come. But she -wanted- to spend this weekend with Terra because it's her only chance to. It's why she called me -selfish- for wanting to spend time with just her.
...so I was letting her have time with Terra. She flips out at me again.
...I was about to go hysterical again, but then my inner Zexion just walked to the door.... and made to leave. Terra has to follow, the apartment's escort rules.... and we walked downstairs.
....Zexion went to the bookshelf, looked it over with Vexen for a good ten minutes... spotted a large very dated psychology textbook, cracked it open... and found lots of cool experiments he'd only heard about, but never seen written data for. ...like... where they test if people would elecrocute people if they were told to, and how far they would go... all staged, of course... so Zexion was happy with his book finding.
...and so he and Vexen went back upstairs. B told me flatly that she hated me. Nonspecifically for walking out. Zexion calmly told her it was nothing she hadn't been doing all day. ....Vexen then mumbled a 'true'... and then B was all emo and crying into a pillow, but when I tried to apologize for walking out..... honestly if I hadn't I would have gone hysterical again.... but B wouldn't have any of it and whacked me for touching her again, snarling that she told me not to.
...but Zexion was still in control, so we curled up on the floor and read.
B stayed mad at me all evening... Zexion curled up with Vexen for protection from all the fighting, couldn't happened, that's just who happened to be out at the time... We fell asleep on the floor together because B stole the bed...... then B got up and got on the computer so we took the bed back. She cooked for herself and then went to sleep on the floor...
....in the morning mom called and Terra and I went down to pick up some stuff she dropped off for me. ...B was pissed at me again in the morning, snarled at me for touching her hair.... said I was taking advantage of her for being a morning person...
...I had Terra start reading the classic old fanfic "Sex Ed 101" that the akuroku fans love... I tried to interact with B every hour nearly on the hour, she swatted me away every time .....Terra and I listened to music and sang... B eventually woke up and made bacon... then she got a number of phonecalls.
Apparently, she didn't have the weekend off, though she remembers it that she was told she was. ...she worked for someone else on thursday, so they'd take her saturday. Yet she was yelled at for not coming in saturday. ...her boss yelled at her on the phone and she has one strike against her to being fired...
.....she was crying..... so I curled up and hugged her.... even after all the s**t she put me through...
I'm still there for her... even after all that...
.........she never said she didn't still hate me.
...but she slowly became happier again while I was holding her... and we all made cake... and ate it. Then her grandma came and picked me and her and and took me back home, and her to her grandma's.
Still hated, still unforgiven, but on a good note.
.......I was sobbing and crawling away on my hands and knees in hysteria that first night though... couldn't believe what I was hearing...
...all three of us were on our periods...
HikariAyano · Mon Sep 17, 2007 @ 03:34am · 1 Comments |