So finally got my first job yea at 19 that should have been over and done with but I had other things that had to come first like taking care of my daughter. I know things can always be worse but I really hate living with my parents not all days are bad but I do so much around the house for then and they seen to thing its nothing and they seem ungreatful. Now the reason they make me do so much is cause i had a baby at 16 whoot harse punishment, but i am ok with it. My brother skipped school last year and is not doing it this year and he barely does any of his s**t. My parents take away his crap but they keep giving it back and he still does the same crap. When I leave they will want me back cause my brother isn't gonna do all the crap that I do. Well at least my life is looking up in a positive direction.
MeMe SweetHeart · Fri Sep 30, 2011 @ 06:18pm · 0 Comments |