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Interview With The Raven
While philosophers and poets and writers and almost everybody else has been busy trying to figure out the meaning of life and our reason for being here, it’s never occurred to those thick-skulled dopes that maybe, just maybe, the answer’s in each of us. That only we can give ourselves a reason for being, that the answers don’t lie in books written by other people, that the answers aren’t found in some mythical being, that the answers lie within our own hearts and minds, and that only we can decide what we live for and what we’re going to do with our existences. As for why we’re here, who cares? We’re here, so we may as well make the most of the life we’ve got, and do it on our own terms instead of following the dictates and paths set down for us by those who don’t even know us and what we think, feel, and want.” She paused for a moment, and then said, “The power isn’t in God, the power isn’t in any holy book, the power isn’t in any philosophical treatise, it’s in the heart. Your God is an ineffective shadow of the imagination compared to the passion found within the heart. A person has the power in their heart to change the world, to become a legend, to make their life their own, and when they deny that power and give it to someone or something else, letting the other rule their life, that’s the worst sin of them all, and a bloody shame. Contrary to a popular saying, God isn’t dead,” Raven said, “Because God never existed in the first place: people had the power all along, and God was their creation . . . too bad they forgot about it and started to let their creation dictate things to them. God is nothing compared to the heart, the mind, and imagination . . . nothing!”

- Raven stare

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  • 07/11/10 to 07/04/10 (1)