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Everlasting Memories

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Hubby!<3 Hacking My Wifey<3
Hello! ;] This is Mercy's Hubby ;D Well first of all my name is Shearson but Call Me Shear for short :3 Our First Day we met was on 7-25-10 and I was looking at profiles and other stuff i do<3 ;] lmao. so yea...i saw her profile and i was like dam she's cute ;P then checked her youtube and tumblr and as i saw on tumblr i saw that she lives in Elk Grove which i live an hour away. ohh yes<3 lol. Well Lets Continue. shall we? ;] so yea i commented her on that day and waited for like...a day till she replied. lol but it was worth the wait<3. She replied "haha. Lets Meet Up Then?" and keeps going on and on and on. ;P and Then we met at a rally and we chatting for so long...and she was just paying attention to me instead of anyone else. which made me special<3 ;] Then told her that i was going to the hotel which is kinda near her place and we decided to meet up there. ;D but...sadly we didnt... ;'[ cuz her mom drove some other hotel instead of where i was D; and i was waiting for her outside for like...2 hours but yea... ;/ But at least i had a dream bout her<333 [so this is how the dream is...i was asleep on a chair and then someone sat on me i started to wake up and saw Mercy<3 i was shocked and saw her with her video camera videoing me sleep... > . < and said "i Love how you sleep<3" lol which was weird ;P but then she gave me a hug and i hugged her back then kind of touched her butt but...yea she poked me and ran. so i chased after her and and grabbed her by the back and carried her back to the couch and we were sitting next to each other and she sat on my lap facing me and kissed me!<3 haha. and it goes on...but some of it is just between me n her<3 ;D ] And The weird thing bout this dream is that Me and Mercy had a Dream Same Night And Was Similar To My Dream? or Her Dream? you know what...Lets Call It Our Dream<333 Hehe[;( Lets Keep Going! )....and then on 7-29-10<3 i woke up the first thing on my mind was You, Mercy<3 and made my day[: first thing i did was wait for her to get on her aim...which took like 3 hours but worth it<3 we kept talking and talking and talking and talking...and even more talking...and then we had sex and had a Baby? ;D lol. haha. i wish. ;P so yea...i was gona ask her out wen we met but she didnt show ;[ so i just asked her at aim<3 lol. i thought she will say no cuz probably so many guys like her that she would choose them instead of me. But nah...She Choice Me<333 ;D and Now she's my Wifey<3 and my Baby Mercy<3 ;D hehe[; Althought i known her for 5 days now. It feels we met for so long<333 ;] She has been getting lots of Dreams bout me<3 ;o haha. She says wen she wakes up it puts a smile on her face[: Its So Cute! > - < lol. Well...Im Done? For Now. lol. xD Can You Believe This Only Happened In 5 Days.....5 Fking Dayz Breh! <--- acted Ghetto. Lmao....So! done for now!... ;3

Anh Yeu Em<3<----i love you in Viet[:
Mahal Kita<3<---i love you in Filipino[:
Check The Words In pink<3 :]

--- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- ---- -- --- -- baby G' , What it do ?[: , Its thee babee here hacking thee one and only Mercy TRAN LOLOL , what can i say ? i fell in love with her by first sight [[ 051209 , yee i remembered the date , unliek someoneeee >.> ]] , Hmmm should i talk bout her our about us first . .. uhhh , ill juss start off with her , You should already know her name since i juss said it earlier o; but her actuall last name is Cao , lmao . but she says Tran [; Yee , we happily married , ahah , but continuing :3 , she be ThreeTeen , if you havnt read the thing up there , lmao . Be livin it up in the 916 areaaaaa , ahah . but coming down to the 515 juss to visit ME , lmao . She a helluh smart girl [; but she aint smarter than meeee ahah no i am not conceited , -.- damnit , she gotta stay down there for one more year . .. idunno if i can last that long without seeing her . .. even tho we havnt yet . o; how sad . .. we webcammed twice , but once , i didnt have a webcam , and another she didnt have one . ahah , Isnt mercy such an ADORABLE chinkk [; she thinks im chinkier than her , my asss , juss cos you got contacts doesnt mean you got big eye ahahah , wtfuuckk is up with people these days , fighting over whos eyes are bigger or smaller ahahah , oh wells . People fight over the stupidest things :3 , juss liek me and her , we fight over the stupidest things . .. but we get over it , and make up [; well now about us since i keep changing subject to this >.< , omfg , i cant believe that i was " stalking " you for about a year -.- , scary shxt manggg . ahah , im so fob :] , idunno how she loves that about me , whenever i go fob e.e , you muddahh ess holee :3 lmao , i waffles you boo , so this is out story , people say its cute o; ahah , mmkays , so when i was " stalking " her , i finally had the balls , as said by her lmao , to talk to her , i commented her outa nowhere saying Hellos , ahah , [[ gotta finish later ]]

--- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- ---- -- --- -- Darren MANGGG talking bout my bby girl Mercy :3 .. Welll first of all her name is Mercy Cao (ofcourse) ,, Her Bday is on Feb 8 so you better be giving her presents... while i be giving her that Birthday S3X :] jkaying i wish i could but yeaah Mercy is so fuucking cool :] she is my bestestestest friend forever :] we met each other on 12.29.08 from my bro chris she use to be my gf buhh sometimes it didnt work out buht its ok because shes my bestestest friend :] Also mercy is 13 a year older then me and she says im hella young -__- well im not buh its ok its only 385 days older.. its fun talking to mercy on aim we talk about some weird shiet and cool stuff :] we also play pool and 4 play i think im better at pool buhh i suck a four play bcos im stupid :] Me & Mercy dont agree sometimes about things buhh its ok because her side always win when we talk on aim we usually have conversations from like 10am to like 10 pm yeaa lots of fun sometimes she response late soo i get really bored and sign off then i play xbox sleep play bball or something else .. Damnit!! i wrote sooo much more which i just accidently deleted -___- buhh now i have to write it ALL over !! which sucks dickk buhh ok Mercy has some cool friends that you can get along with and Mercy also has a cool family kinda i guess besides her little brother that flicked me off over webcam and rubbed his belly and her cousins cristina which called me gaaay buh its ok as long as i talk to mercy :] forget the rest buhh yea when mercy is down i always try to help her feel better most of the time it works :] thats because im the shiet!! upp in this BIEETCCH!! ahaah yea not just that its also because im her bestestestest friend ... Mercy always want to pinch my cheeks with i dont get o.O .. She also said she loves my justin bieber voice which i dont HAVE!!!! -____- Always tryn to make fun of me which isnt cool but i dont care ... Also mercy is think i broke my phone purposly and is mad at me for that which i didnt because i didnt kno my phone was inside my back pack so i through it at a tree .... buhh yea she is still making me type buhh ok typing is fun ;D im typing while watching some retarded animal planet shiettt.. buhh yea mercy is a dope bestestestest friend buhh yea she be living up in the 916 Sac which isnt as cool as the 714 nigguh buhh yea im done though pce out nigggaaauh - Darren & mercy says: i love ur hack huuns(: <3

By The Way i Love You Mercy <3

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8MONTHS , still going ! (= , Jasmin Thy-Thy Hoa is here haacking her Baaby Mercy . <3 Where can i start off with you ? MERCYCAO! <3 i've only known you for awhile but i feel like i've known you foreveer ! You're the the girl i can depend on , & the girl i can tell anything to ! i'm uncomplete without this beezy. Your a good azz fraan, NO; A good azz wiffeey & bestfriend. You've been there since day one . I gotchu & you got me , <3 You never gave up on me , you supported me in the thinngs i want to achieve. you knew just what to say when it came to my problems. Even tho' i both do stupidshiet, you neveer judge me . <3 You'd tell me from wrongs to rights, preparing me for the worst , i appreciate it . i love it when you call me pretty , while your the pretty one , it maakes me feel oober speciaal. i'm feel comfortable taalking to you , & i can alwaays speak my minnd. I can truly saay your a real fraan. You haave the most beautiful personality ever & cuute chubby cheeks , and for those who don't agree, go suuck a eggroll ! i`m glad i met you , i wouldn`t be the person i am today. i love you so much , i can`t even explain it . We have many things that we have common , But one of theem is that we're always blunt to the craap we do, & what we say. if it wasn't for her, i wouldn't reply on other people . You were there for me through thick & thin . we weren't close for a certain time, and stopped talking but we'd always find our ways to reunite. i'm glad you're in my life, you guided me through a lot. So what , we don`t know eachother in real life ; It doesn`t affect our friendship in any way. But if we knew eachother in real life , it`d be hella CRAAZY! & rememeber i`ll always be there for you , You always have me , No matter what. <3 Sooo ; When i first met you , i already knew i was going to luub you. & i thought "Daaaamn , shes so coool, funny & Duuh Sexy." Wanna hollah at her , I won`t let you. Sorrry ! She got me. <3 & i don`t like people hurting her , & yes i`ma over-protective biootch about her , So fuuck off. Don`t judge her before you kno` her , cos` shes the s**t & i`m the azz :] She`s like my hero, she always comes & saves the day, i couldn`t live without her. & i got married to her on 122409 ; yes , Christmas Eve , how seexy is that, IN YOUUR FACE ! Even if we don`t talk evryday , our love is like nonstop , maaang. & Have you seen her ? She`s FINE as heeeo ! i`m hella jealous , she thinks i`m pretty , i think she needs some glasses & look at herself. i love you so much Mercy ; i honestly can`t live without you , & no i ain`t lieing , Shes like my everything<3 Shes always been there no matter what. We`re bestfriends , not a title , But a promise (: DAAAMN ! i`ma visit Elk Groove, Cali ; one day & spend a whole week with you a** ! You & i have been thru so fxcking much ! But i guess thats part of the reason why , we`re unbreakable. You can try anything you want, But nothing is going to happen , we`re tight like a pair of skinny jeans. & On our 9MONTH Anniversery , i`m let you call me & then for the rest of the day , i`ma stalk you a** down & talk to you ON & ON! Just kno` that , i`m here whenever , & i gotchu. The responcibility i have to do , Ever since we got married. (: So let me make this more cleaar , I LOVE YOU SOO FREAKING MUCH WIFEY! FOOOREVER & EVER ! (= <3♥
ILYSFM ; Haaacked On 060410<3

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