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Date this chart was completed: October 28th, 2011

Character's Full Name: Nathaniel Grey
Reason or meaning of name: "Gift of God"
Nickname: Nate.
Reason for nickname: Well, 'Nathaniel' just sounds.. Too serious. He may be a serious individual ninety-percent of the time, but he doesn't like to come off as some a*****e. 'Nate' just sounds more laid back.

Birthdate: October 31st
Astrological Sign: Scorpio


Age: 35
How old does s/he appear? Some might guess late 20's. Some might guess early 40's.
Eye Color: Amber/yellow-orange
Glasses or contacts? He's supposed to wear glasses all the time, but he was coaxed out of wearing them at a younger age, and now only wears them when reading.
Hair color: Black.
Distinguishable hair feature (bald, receding hairline, etc.): Eh, nothing too unusual about his hair.
Type of hair (coarse, fine, thick, etc?) Thick.
Typical hairstyle: Well, it's long, past his shoulders, and he keeps it in a loose ponytail, usually.

Height: Somewhere around 6'0"
Weight: Somewhere around 180, maybe.
Type of body/build: He's.. Built, man. Not scary, and not obvious when he's dressed, but very nice.

Nationality: Native American

Skin tone: Reddish-brown.
Skin type: ...still don't get this one.

Shape of face: Er.. Yeah, I dunno. Face-shaped.

Distinguishing Marks? Tattoo of his ex's name on the back of his neck.
Scars? ..Eh, maybe a few small ones in various places.
Most predominant feature: His eyes. They're a complete contrast to his skin.
Resembles (famous or not): ...his dad, I think. Kinda. A little.

Accent? Nope.

Is s/he healthy? No, he's not.
If not, why not: He's got some deadly disease. It's passable through the bloodline, and.. Really, he could drop dead at any minute. It's a made up disease, yeah.. But it's kind of like diabetes, and a mix of other things. He injects himself with medicine when his muscles start to tense up. If he doesn't inject himself when he's supposed to, there's a chance his lungs could fail, and, along with horrible pain seizing his being, he'd die. Eventually, the medicine would stop working, and there'd be nothing that could be done to save him. Other than that, though, he's perfectly healthy- er.. Physically. Mentally is another story entirely.

Physical disabilities: Where he's pretty strong, and such, he can't overwork himself.

Physical abilities (what is character good at? sports, etc.): Being unable to really do sports, he's more of a bookworm, I mean.. He went on to be an English teacher. They only recreational thing he can really do- and doesn't tell many people about- is.. Well, he's musically gifted.

Color: Nate doesn't really have a favorite color, per se. The only thing he's fascinated by, when it comes to color, is the contrast between his skin and other people's.

Music: He's fond of cultural, spiritual, meaningful music. Music with meaning- music he can relate to. Such as.. Keith Urban and Enrique Iglesias have nothing in common, but he likes a song or two by each of them. Mainly, he likes love songs, and even music with no words. ..the badboy side of him likes Rock from the 80's and 90's.

Food: If the saying "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach" were true, you could feed him pot roast and have him begging to marry you in an instant. (And potato soup. That stems from his childhood, when- after his father died- they were often very poor, and had nothing to eat but potatoes and stale bread. His mother would do what she could, cooking up potatoes and leftovers into some kind of stew.)

Literature: Assuing this is "form of", his favorite form of literature would be poetry, simply because of his love of music, which is just poetry with background noise.

Expressions: If this is "form of" as well, it would be music, of course. If this is "facial", then it'd probably be the look of love in someone's eyes he always wanted to see when one was looking at him. Adoration.

Book: The Catcher in the Rye

Quote: "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return", a line from an old song, which he carried with him in his heart, hoping that quote rang true. Wishing with all his might he'd one day find someone to love him like his mother loved his father.

Expletive(s) (swears): Despite his being an English teacher- if we are talking about swear words here, he likes to crunch words together in anger, or in awe. His favorite would probably be "********", or perhaps just '********' in general, being that is is one of the most flexible words in the English language.

Mode of transportation: Honestly, Nathaniel probably likes riding trains, or long bus rides. Long, quiet trips, reading a book until he passes out. But.. If we're just talking to and from work, he's happy to have a car.

Smokes: Oh, most definitely.
What? Cigarettes.
How often? When he's in a good mood, he doesn't smoke often. However, when his blood's boiling, the pack will go so fast, it'll seem like he was smoking two or three at once.

Drinks: Yes.
What? Coffee, and, yes, alcohol, since it seems that's what we're trying to get at here.
How often? Coffee is an every day thing. Sometimes, it's the only thing to keep him focused throughout the day. Alcohol, on the other hand.. Is an occasional thing. Socially, he'll have a drink or two. Celebrations, he'll have a drink. Romantic dinners, he'll have some wine. When he's angry, hurt, or distraught in anyway, he'll down a fifth of Jack, smoke about two packs of cigarettes and crash.

Worst bad habit? Even worse than smoking, Nathaniel has anger issues. Where it might take quite a bit to actually get him to the point of anger- which I seem to be talking about a lot- he's.. Very tempermental, and often has to force himself to not resort to violence.

Quirks: When he's put on the spot, he ofetn taps his foot, and refuses to make eye contact.

Hometown: Eh, don't know, but he's lived in the same place since he can remember.

Type of childhood: It was rough. I do believe he had a brother, or sister. He had a mother, and a father, and a grandfather. His grandmother had the disease, so his grandfather lived a long life, where his wife died rather early. His grandfather taught him about his heritage, and told him to be proud of being a Native, but, after he and Nate's father died, Nate only carried on his pride until college. His sibling passed away from the disease whe they were both pretty young, and he and his mother did what they could to get by until she died, leaving him to fend for himself.

First memory: Sitting in his grandpa's living room, looking at all the pictures of wolves, the beads, the carved tables, and petting his grandpa's Alaskan husky.

Most important childhood event that still affects him/her: Losing his father.
Why? He's worried about dying the same way, because.. He knew it was painful from the screams, before his father could no longer breathe.

Lower education: ... -facepalm-

Higher education: .... > __<

Booksmart or streetsmart? Mainly booksmart, but still versed in the ways of the real world. Though, one could say he's romantically challenged, if nothing else.

Religion and/or religious views and/or tendencies? He's not religious at all.


Job? Cashier.

Kiss? A boy named Jess.

Sexual experience? Again, Jess. It was.. In college. He'd never had anyone interested in him before, so, because Jess acted interested, Nate was naive, and invested every piece of him into the relationship, believing he might one day be married to Jessie. This boy was very emotionally, and sometimes physically abusive toward Nathaniel. After giving Jess everything- his heart, his mind, his body.. After getting the boy's name tattooed on his neck, after changing himself completely for Jessie to accept him, the boy left him in the dust, with photos, a video, and a broken heart.

Mother (name): Laura
Relationship with her: He loved his mother, and still misses her somewhere deep down.
Father (name): Charlie
Relationship with him: Nathaniel respected his father, and learned quite a bit from him, but doesn't mourn the loss, as he feels it helped him to grow, and prepare.
Siblings: ...We'll say he had a sister.
Birth order: Nate was born first.
Relationship with each: Being about three years older than her, nate always wanted to take care of her, and it deeply effected him when she passed away. He wished every day, for many years, that it had been hom who'd been claimed by the disease, and not her. Not so early.
Children of Siblings: She died before she could have kids.
Extended family (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.): If he has any, he doesn't know of them.
Close to family? They're all dead. . __.

Does character have child(ren)? He will.
How many? One. A little boy named Travis.
Are all children with the same partner? Well, there's only one, so.. Yeah.
If no, why not? If no, what is the custody arrangement? N/A
How does character relate to his/her child(ren)? He adores his little Travis. In truth, that little boy is the only reason Nate and Alejandro ended up getting married eventually. If not for Travis, Nate would have had no reason to stick around long enough to give Ale another chance (because Ale really hurt Nate one night. He'd been in his cabin, drinking himself half to death, because he'd come really close to dying, due to a fight with Ale over having sex with the boy's ex. Ale came to his place that night, and asked Nate to make love to him. Which.. Ale had never asked Nate. He'd only ever wanted to just ********, so it was a big thing! They had really sappy sex, and then, in the morning, Ale had left him, crushing Nathaniel all over again, since he'd gotten his hopes up.) and Ale would have had no reason to stick around. So.. you could say Travis is the best thing that happened to him.
Which child is character's favorite? ...Obviously, Travis xD
Why? because Travis is his only kid.
Character's most favorite memory of his/her child(ren)? Well, the day little Travis was born. Nate didn't believe the kid was his until that moment, because Ale's a slut, and.. Yeah.
Character's least favorite memory of his/her child(ren)? This one.. Wouldn't really be a sad memory about the child that's alive.. It's be that, once things were going good for him and Alejandro, they were talking about marriage, and a second kid, and.. Well, Ale went and got shot, making him unable to have anymore kids, and though Nate only wanted to comfort Ale, and made it seem like no big deal, he was deeply disappointed. Almost wanted to cry.
Is relationship with children good? Absolutely.
Is relatioinship with children important to character? Oh, most definitely.


Where does character work? Er.. He was working at a school, but then he had that horrible attack after the fight with Ale.. -scratches head- So he's not working yet, and, after the hpspitalization, he's going to work in an office for the education bureau, grading statewide tests and such.
How many years? He worked with the school for almost ten years. He'll be working in the office for..Around thirteen.
Relationship with co-workers? He has one or two friends in the office. One of them ******** up his marriage years down the road.
Like his/her job? He preferred working at the school, really.
Why or why not? He likes it because at least he's still got a job. He dislikes it because he doesn't get to work with people anymore.

Dream job: Teaching music.

Greatest fear: It used to be dying a painful death. Once he has Travis, it'll be losing him, or.. Not being there to watch him grow up.
Worst thing that could happen to him/her? Losing his family, because he loves Ale and Travis with all his heart.
What single event would most throw character's life in complete turmoil? If he found out Travis was born with his disease.

Character is most at ease when: He's laying in bed, with Ale in his arms.
Most ill at ease when: Ale's being a pissy b***h.

Priorities: Family first.
Philosophy: Try to forgive, never forget.

How s/he feels about self: Eh, he's one man of many. No more, no less.
Past failure s/he would be embarrassed to have people know about: The whole thing with Jess, which Ale discovers on accident. It starts.. This huge, glorious fight, where Ale is experiencing jealousy, and.. Mm, it's yummy.
If granted one wish, what would it be? Oooooh, that one is.. Really, really hard. Before Travis were borh, he would have wished for him to not have the disease. Since he ends up not having it.. He's left with the wish to not have the disease himself, and the wish for Ale to love him, and be only his for the rest of their lives. I guess he'd go with the latter, since, if he were going to die, at least he'd die happy.
Why? Living longer wouldn't guarantee a happy ending.

Daredevil or cautious? He's usually.. Calculating. Cautious when necessary, and batshit crazy when he has to be. Like.. When Ale gets shot! Nathaniel's gonna go crazy, and try to kill Jess. If not for Ale asking him not to, he probably would have done it, too.
Same when alone? Uh, yeah.

Biggest regret? Being with Jess. Trusting Ale.

Biggest accomplishment: Getting to see Travis grow up. Well, to the age of fifteen, anyway.
Minor accomplishments: Various things I don't care to list.

Character's darkest secret: It's not really dark, just a little morbid, but.. He held his sister when she died.
Does anyone else know? Most don't even know he had a sister.
If yes, did character tell them? He doesn't like to talk about it.
If no, how did they find out? <____ < If anyone found out, it will have been because he told them.


Greatest source of strength in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): He's fiercely protective, if that counts for anything.

Greatest source of weakness in character's personality (whether s/he sees it as such or not): When it comes to someone he's with romantically, he's prone to forgive them several times, fearing being alone over being hurt.

Character's soft spot: His family.
Is this soft spot obvious to others? Eh, it might be.
If not, how does character hide it? He doesn't try to.

Biggest vulnerability: Ale's past. Bringing that up will shut him up right away, because Nate's already afraid of never being important to anyone. He doesn't like actually thinking about the other's that Ale's been with, or comparing himself with them.

Which of the 7 deadly sins does character fight (or give into, willingly or not)?
(lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy, pride) Envy, wrath, and lust, mostly.
Which of the 7 virtues does your character have (or fight against)?
(chastity, abstinence, leberality, diligence, patience, kindness, humility) Diligent, patient, kind. And you BET he shoves chastity down his son's throat. The last thing the world needs is another Ale.

Optimist or pessimist? A little of both. When it comes to Ale, pessimist. When it comes to life in general, he already has an idea how it's going to end, so all he can do is look up.
Introvert or extrovert? Again, a little of both. Moreso extroverted, as he likes teaching.
Drives and motivations? He's got a son to live for, and a short life to life.
Talents (hidden or not)? ..he's a smooth talker.

Extremely skilled at: Playing guitar.
Extremely unskilled at: Keeping a secret.

Good characteristics: He's the biggest sap on the face of the planet. ...was, anyway.
Character flaws: Since having his heart broken over and over, he's become distrusting, and accusing.
Mannerisms: When there's a problem, he usually panics. He's gone through loss enough, so staying calm is out of the question.
Peculiarities: There are a few of them. -shrugs-

One word character would use to describe self: Lonely.

One paragraph description of how character would describe self: I used to be more of a man. I used to love, and care, and feel. I'm now only a shell of what I once was, living for the one that has never hurt me; my little boy, whom I wish to give the world. I stand beside the man I love, worried he'll hurt me again one day, though I'll never share that fear, but my purpose is Travis.

What does character consider best physical characteristic? His.. Body? xD Because he's sexy.
What does character consider worst physical characteristic? Er.. He's really not the type to go "OH, I'M SO FAT/UGLY", or whatever, so.. I dunno.
Are these realistic assessments? Absolutely.
If not, why not? Pfft.
How CHARACTER thinks others perceive him/her? He doesn't care.
What four things would CHARACTER most like to change about self? (#1 most important, #2 second most important, etc.)

1. The illness
2. Emotional strength
3. ...
4. I dunno.
If change #1 was made, would character be as happy as s/he thinks? Maybe. Maybe not.
If not, why not? Because, as said before.. Longer life doesn't mean happy ending!

Is character divorced? Why? If he'd lived, probably would have been divorced.
If yes, how many times? Just once, because Ale cheats him with his coworker, and Nate catches them in the act, and.. Throws his ring, saying he wants a divorce. Later, he gets in a car accident and dies.
Has character ever cheated on any signficant other? He wanted to, but he couldn't bring himself to do it.
How does character relate to others? Uh.. He doesn't. He tries to relate through writing.
How is s/he perceived by...
Strangers? Strong and friendly.
Friends? Eh, he's Nate. Too serious, and a bit of a romanticist, even with his heart in pieces.
Wife/Husband/Lover? Ale.. Loves him. Kind of. Or, at least.. He let's Nate believe he does.
Children? His own child adores him. Other kids.. -shrugs- He doesn't pay attention to other people's kids.
Co-workers? They like him well enough to try and ******** his boyfriend.
Protagonist? Eh.. Don't know how to answer this one.
Antagonist? That would be Jess, and all Ale's exes. They all hate him- Jess hates him because he's become strong enough to tell him to ******** off, and Ale's exes hate him because he got to put a ring on it.
First impression character makes is: Quiet, observant, opinionated.
What happens to change this perception? Nothing xD They're right.

What do family/friends like most about character? That he's a good guy. Good to his kids, as good as he can be to Alejandro.

What do family/friends like least about character? That he speaks his mind pretty freely.


Immediate goal(s): To see Travis graduate.
Long range goal(s): To keep Ale by his side for as long as possible.
How does character plan to accomplish goal(s)? By living, and trying to satisfy his lover/wife-like husband.

How will other people around character be affected? Ale's tied down, and Travis would have his daddy for a little longer.


How character react in a crisis (calm/panic/etc.)? He panics, because he's afraid of loss.
How does character face problems? Head-on.
Kinds of problems character usually runs into: Romantic.
How does character react to NEW problems? The same way he does any other >>
How does character react to change? As long as he's got Alejandro and Travis, Nathaniel is happy.


Jewelry? He's got a wedding ring.
Other accessories? Maybe a watch.
Drives a ... : Cardboard BOX xD ..just a car, I dunno.
Where does character live? a house, with his "wife", and their kid.
With anyone? xD Yes.
Where does character want to live? With them, it doesn't matter.
Spending habits (frugal, spendthrift, etc)? He doesn't do the shopping.
What does s/he do too much of? Work.
Too little of? he doesn't have sex with Ale enough, apparently.
Most prized possession: A picture of their little family.
Why? Because they're irreplacable, unlike everything else.
Play musical instrument? A few.
Which one(s)? Guitar, and.. Others.
How did s/he learn? Self-taught.
Does character like animals? Not really.
Any pets? Nope.
Likes music? Yes.
What kind? Already stated. All kinds, with actual feeling.


Owns a computer? Of course. Kind of required in his line of work.
If not, why not? <__< Don't make a crack at him being old. He's ******** someone thirteen years younger than he is, so he can't be that bad.
Email address(es): ...too lazy.
If more than one, each used for...? YOUR MOM.
"Handle": .........what?
Meaning to character: -facepalm-
Uses computer for business, pleasure, both? Business.
Play computer games? No xD
If yes, which game(s)? If yes, how many hours per day? None, and never.
If so, are they/it multiplayere game/s? YES. ALWAYS.
Name used on each game & meaning to character? ....His name is '*****' and it means he is, because he is. << C'mon, man.

List 4 online site(s) (URLs) visited daily?
1. NO
2. NO
3. NO
4. NO


Person character secretly admires: Ale, because he's strong enough to hurt people, like Nate never could.
Person character was most influenced by: His family, when he was younger. Jess, while he was becoming an adult. And.. Ale/Travis, every day.
Most important person in character's life before story starts: Jess.
Why? Because.. Nathaniel was.. Naive, and lonely. He still is.