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Rumors answered regarding zOMG!, Tektek, and Inflation
After attending the official Gaia Online panel in Anime Expo, I can answer a few mysteries regarding the marketplace inflation, Tektek, and zOMG!

They did indeed put a cap on the gold when they implemented the Gcash/Gold conversion in the marketplaces, and since then no gold generators have been released. In addition to that, they've been adding items that users can only obtain using gold so as to masquerade the site as gold sinkholes.

As for Tektek, the people who ran the site weren't part of GaiaOnline itself. They were just a site that promoted Gaia, and Gaia was okay with that. The real issue started happening when Gaia ran over its dry years, in which Tektek- which was already crashing anyways- began coding some inappropriate material along with what we use it for. That led to its abrupt demise, and Gaia made a beta Avatar Builder feature to replace it.

zOMG! was put together by a variety of programmers, which was great and all... but when people started tampering with the game, Gaia pulled it and decided that they needed to redo the game. However since the thing was practically frankensteined together, no one really could give a date on when it would be fixed. It ended up being such a big project that Gaia put it off indefinitely. Otherwise, they would put zOMG! back up for public gameplay.