As you may have guessed, a certain friend of mine and I are rabid Deathnote fans.
In one particular moment, we realized how I was blonde and she was a redhead. Hmmm, what pair of characters from Deathnote have blonde and red hair? None other then Mello and Matt. She thought that we should both cut and style are hair to cosplay. And then we would go crazy at Hot Topic.
The problem is, I'm obviously a Raito fan and despise Mello and all his 'strangeness'. It's not my fault I'm blonde and also enjoy chocolate very much. (I'm eating some now)
So, then we desided to make a bet. During this time, she and I were taking the STAR test (aka California state-wide tests) On one section, we desided that whoever gets the lower score has to cut and dye their hair. (apparently I'm not blonde enough, and her hair is too brownish). And on another section, whoever gets the lower score would have to buy a special, character related gift for the other. I would get a pound of chocolate and she would get the Deathnote video game. (It's unfair, cause a video game costs more.)
So, I can only pray I did well on the tests. They are pretty easy, but some of it was hard. I do wonder what I would look like w/ bangs....
Of course I'm not talking about the one known as MizRyuzaki, what makes ppl think that? *coughyesIamcough*
MizRaito · Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 03:31am · 0 Comments |