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View User's Journal

snuff's daily gaialog
this journal depicts my everydays gaia life,and list those who spam against me.So please read and enjoy.Comments are welcome
"Wells,,,err." stare "I guess that I no do,,err,,so wells todays.What?, with my drunking rabbits keeping me in the wakes."(He says as he slinks off the bed and quietly towards the rabbit.Whom,was still lying on the floor from when it had sauntered in,and had came to rest after the nights bindging.He grasps the beast by the neck and rapidly jerks it to it's feet.The rabbit wakes.) ninja evil eek I thoughts to go,,err,,down to the casinos.I was supprised to see theys let me in. surprised What?,with,,err,,the fights last nights. rolleyes (He says as he stops to ponder a bit on the next chain of events.The rabbit struggles to get away.)Err...I was having the good times.I sat,,err,,down ats the cards table and started to plays.That guy,,err,,Russell seems not to remembers,,err,,the last night fight. eek (He says as he starts waving his arms around unintentionally and unaware.The rabbit braces it's back legs on his hand, in a last futile attempt to escape with no avail.)Errs...Wells,These peoplz started on talkings to me. razz Theys mustn't,,err,,likes the half-deads either, stare gonk because they starts to the yelling ats me." eek (He says as he tightens his grip.The rabbit gasps.Then,he tosses the rabbit to the floor with a loud...THUD!)"Theys makes me the mads. evil I goes and asks them why,,err,,they have to be like that. question theys starts,,err,,to calling me the names. sad crying (He says as the rabbit catches it's breath and scurries under the bed.He searches for it with no luck.He is resolved to grab the pillow from off his bed and grips it tightly.The rabbit breathes a sigh of relief.)"Theys makes me mads in the twices." evil evil (He says as he starts punching at the pillow with malice intent.)"But,befores I can gets off my chair,,err,,Theys runned out the doors. evil eek eek twisted Theys put the ruins into,,err,,the days gamblings for mes,,,anywhos. pirate pirate xp (He says as he tosses the pillow back on the bed.The rabbit pokes it's head out to investigate.It catches his eye.The rabbit blinks it's eyes twice profoundly.)"Rabbits...err.Theres is where your at.Come to over heres."(He says as he persues the rabbit under the bed.He grabs the rabbit and starts to pet it on it's head.)"It's to bads that I was,,err,,not to be getting their names tho', exclaim rolleyes or I could be writing thems down,,err,,in my journals for alls to see. talk2hand