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View User's Journal

snuff's daily gaialog
this journal depicts my everydays gaia life,and list those who spam against me.So please read and enjoy.Comments are welcome
I mets this girl,,err,,and,for some strange reason,she befriended mes. biggrin I tells her,,err,,that mes poor. sad She just smiles and tells me,,err,,it's okay. 4laugh She then offers to be my,,err,,slave. question I tells her that mes don't knows what a,,err,,slaves for. confused She tells me that she could,,err,,buy mes stuff. eek No,,err,,I didn't ask her for anything. cool So wes spent the days,,err,, dancing. rofl She askeded mes to follows her but,,err,, I gots lost somewheres. confused crying I,,err,,guess it is for the bestest because I reallys couldn't,,err,, afford her anywhos. cry I just hopes she wills be reading this and knows,,err,, how muches mes misses her. heart