Mood: Mad, Depressed, Angry, Wanna punch someone in the face
Eating/Drinking: None
I'm angry. Why? Because SOMEONE won't pick up the phone. When she usually does, oh, she has an EXCUSE FOR EVERY ******* TIME I CALL HER. "I'm doing homework" or "My DAD won't let me" or "We're eating right now"
I know they MAY sound reasonable, but she says that EVERY TIME. She hates me. And I know it.
She always doesn't want me to do the same thing she does, or, she's jealous of something because she doesn't have it so she makes ME don't have it either.
Example (This is true): My friend said i could take care of a hamster, but then, ******** said that it's a lot of responsibility. **** off, none of your business.
Example 2 (also true): Jazz band. Yes, I love jazz. And you know what ******** said? She said that flute is a hard instrument to play for jazz. That hella pissed me off.
Example 3 (yes yes....true) She said that this boy is better at piano than me. I don't need to know that, so SHUT UP.
Example 4 (pffft, you know the answer) She bragged about getting a lvl 50
Example 5 She bragged about getting...I forgot how much mil, 50 mil for maple story?
Example 6 During a 2 month period, she didn't call exept around 2-3 times, and you know what she called on CHRISTMAS? She said "Oh hi (my name)! Merry Christmas!" And then, she said that she got an ipod nano, and an ipod stereo thing, and a bunch of other **** I DON'T NEED TO KNOW. She only calls to BRAG and try to make me JEALOUS -_-
Example 7 She brags. ALL the time. She's like: I hate pink (she's referring to my necklace), I like mine better.
Example 8 Bragging AGAIN. She took out a color guard pole to show off and show off her tricks. I asked why she took it out, (She actually STOLE it from the band room -_-'') she said I don't know.
The only thing I need right now, is a friend. A best friend, someone who I can keep close to and never lose contact.
I'm sorry if you think I'm unreasonable, but if you were there, you probably would've....I dunno...explode like a nuclear bomb?
Edit: I'm adding more examples =3
Edit: I just censored the bad words...just in case you guys get offended biggrin
More. Example 9. She's too lazy to lvl her MS account. She called me just to say that Simon gave her a couple high-lvled accounts. Shut up.
Example 10. She ruined my Christmas Day. She called and said, "Merry Christmas, and guess what? I got a pink iPod Nano and a Stereo (or whatever it was called)"
Example 11. A couple times when I called her, and she told me she was busy, or she/I can't come over, I cried sometimes.
Example 12. She's a show-off. Really. Going around to show her drawings. Being a humble b***h and saying that she sucks at drawing. I gotta admit, she's good at drawing. But being humble all the time is kinda stupid.
Example 13. She stopped by my classroom (which she's only done once), and she said, "Hi barbara! Guess what? I made it into Advanced Band! And oh sorry, you didn't." I told her I didn't really needed to know that. She just shrugged as if it was nothing,"I just thought you need to know that." And she that I would've known anyway. I would rather find out myself. Why? BECAUSE SHE SAID IT IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE ******* CLASSROOM.
Example 14. She told 2 guys my grades. Great. The grades weren't ...great either. She's like "Ehehe..sorry...I was kinda mad". No, you weren't. I know you too well. You told them for fun. I know that's stupid, but hey, I've seen you talk behind other people's backs.
Example 15. Great, she said that she got A in math, A in science, A in PE, etc. You know what her friends said? They laughed at me telling them about the A's. They said that she got an F in math and her dad beat her. Serves her lazy butt right.
By bankotsufan
By bankotsufan
Community Member
Check your mail. Now.
I'm going to kill this girl... -___-
~ Kyashi ~