<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/verotot/transcending.png" align="right">I'm getting a little annoyed by this stupid ** !!BAD Command!! ** thing everytime I use OpenCanvas. Anyone know how to fix that? I'd give you lots and lots of arts to help me with that little problem. sweatdrop
So, today was a half day. Which is great. It was also my Student Teacher's last day. She's nice, I feel bad for her, though. Our class was the only one who brought her stuffs. I made her a card. Because I forgot it was her last day until today. It has a Jackass and an Elephant, and it says 'From a Righty to a Lefty' because I'm ultra super Republican-man, and she's the Lefty Pinko Commy. It's not really like, her LAST day, it's just her last day as our regular teacher, Mr Monseur will take over on Monday..that is, Monday after next, because.. IT'S FALL BREAK. WHOOT.
I'm SOOO happy it's fall break! I needed a break anyways. Last year they scheduled a Fall Break, but we didn't get one for some reason, the year before that, too.
<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/verotot/Gaia/gj_happy.png" align="left">I love that song by Kevin Lyttle, Turn Me On. I'm just listening to it over and over. It's a great song to dance to! We danced to it like, four times at Aidalys' party, that and the Chacha Slide. God..that went on forEVER. Everyone was all sweaty and stuff. It was crazy. And a little sexy. OMG I SAID SEXY IN MY JOURNAL. OMGOMGOMG.
<center><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/verotot/Gaia/gj_infatuated.png"> I LOVE THE BREAKFAST CLUB. It's one of my all time favorite movies. I was looking for it today, but I couldn't find it! I was VERY sad. It's on VHS though. sad So I can only watch in in Matt's room, cuz that's the only room with our old VHS player. I wish I could find it on DVD, that'd ROCK. WHOOT. Then I could watch it EVERYWHERE. EVERYWHERE I SAY. I should find Nightmare Before Christmas, too. And..hmm..I dunno. I have other movies..like..lots..that I LOVE. But don't watch often enough. Maybe I'll watch The Wizard of Oz tomorrow.
- heart <img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v69/verotot/butterfly.gif"></center>
Vero Tot · Sat Oct 09, 2004 @ 03:13am · 5 Comments |