WTF! Seriously people what the flying ********? mad Why in the ******** hell do people have to be so ******** retarted and so childish? Seriously this is gaia, a GAME, yes its like a getaway, yes it has its up but also its downs..even to were you loose precious friends. I am tired of it. It makes me sick..and even to were I want to quit! scream
Look..the reason for this rant is because a dear friend of mine HuggieBear is quiting..again. Yes again,because you ******** don't give up to ruin someone's happiness. And assume and say s**t just to get your way to tear someone apart. I swear its for your own enjoyment.
Honestly ******** you all for what you may think of her. But I know her as one of the most sweetest most caring loving people on gaia And one hell of a GREAT friend. And you all have to ruin it by being royal jackass's and then some. To ruin it for someone who's done alot, and who doesn't deserve such all should be ashamed. stare
Yes I relize and know for many a fact that some people just do not get along It happens. But ******** this is the internet, and this forum shouldn't get so serious..and yet it does and then some. It's horrible how alot of you are..and not just in talking or not getting along anything in general be it hacking,scamming,etc which are on other levels..but all comes down to the same thing for the most part. People are greedy, they are and can be selfish and so forth..even to were they don't care if someone leaves but hey lets take their stuff and beg for it! Instead of making them feel wanted. You just want their stuff or them gone so there is "less competition" and more for you.
In short..Huggie hun you'll be more missed than you could ever dream of. As much as I wish for you to stay with the people who are true and do care for you. If this is what you truly want..then I will do my best to stand by for you. You mean alot to me hun, even if you don't mean much to do to me.^^" heart
BellaMuerte1 · Tue Feb 13, 2007 @ 05:23am · 4 Comments |