Levi Jones’ Divine Comedy (Art Request) Gaia online x Kingdom Hearts 2 x Ragnarok Online
In all of the costume design I would like it if each of the clothes represented what happened in the all of the realms of each place. With these costumes I would be very pleased if there was detail in each sub-realm (what happened in each pocket of punishment, work and, the blessed). For detail purposes, I am posting what happens in every sub-division of the Divine Comedy. However, for your sake to do not have to draw every thing that happens in these divisions on the clothes/costumes. With all of these costumes I want it to have a slight kingdom hearts 2 theme to it. However I am adding some ragnarok online suggestions. I leave it up to you how the clothes should be shaped or to what degree you use the either costume reference.
If you have not read a any part of this book go to this website: Divine Comedy to find the Chapters and read what I am talking about.
Inferno: Crossing the Acheron River
First Circle (Limbo). Here reside the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans, who, though not sinful, did not accept Christ. Here also reside those who, if they lived before the coming of Christ, did not pay fitting homage to their respective deity. They are not punished in an active sense, but rather grieve only their separation from God, without hope of reconciliation.
Beyond the first circle, all of those condemned for active, deliberately willed sin are judged by Minos, who sentences each soul to one of the lower eight circles.
Second Circle. Those overcome by lust are punished in this circle. These souls are blown about to and fro by a violent storm, without hope of rest.
Third Circle. Cerberus guards the gluttons, forced to lie in the mud under continual cold rain and hail whilst being forced to consume their own excrement.
Fourth Circle. Those whose concern for material goods deviated from the desired mean are punished in this circle. They include the avaricious or miserly, who hoarded possessions, and the prodigal, who squandered them. Guarded by Plutus, each group pushes a great weight against the heavy weight of the other group. After the weights crash together the process starts over again.
Fifth Circle. In the swamp-like water of the river Styx, the wrathful fight each other on the surface, and the sullen or slothful lie gurgling beneath the water
The lower parts of hell are contained within the walls of the city of Dis, which is itself surrounded by the Stygian marsh. Punished within Dis are active (rather than passive) sins.
Sixth Circle. Heretics are trapped in flaming tombs
• Seventh Circle. This circle houses the violent. Its entry is guarded by the Minotaur, and it is divided into three rings: o Outer ring, housing the violent against people and property, who are immersed in Phlegethon, a river of boiling blood, to a level commensurate with their sins. o Middle ring: In this ring are the suicides, who are transformed into gnarled thorny bushes and trees. They are torn at by the Harpies. Unique among the dead, the suicides will not be bodily resurrected after the final judgment. Instead they will maintain their bushy form, with their own corpses hanging from the limbs. The other residents of this ring are the profligates, who destroyed their lives by destroying the means by which life is sustained (i.e. money and property). They are perpetually chased by ferocious dogs through the thorny undergrowth. (Canto XIII) o Inner ring: The violent against God (blasphemers), the violent against nature (sodomites), and the violent against art (usurers), all reside in a desert of flaming sand with fiery flakes raining from the sky. The blasphemers lie on the sand, the usurers sit, and the sodomites wander about in groups.
• Eighth Circle. The fraudulent—those guilty of deliberate, knowing evil—are located in a circle named Malebolge ("Evil Pockets" wink , divided into ten bolgie, or ditches, with bridges spanning the ditches: o Bolgia 1: Panderers and seducers walk in separate lines in opposite directions, whipped by demons. (Canto XVIII) o Bolgia 2: Flatterers are steeped in human excrement. (Canto XVIII) o Bolgia 3: Those who committed simony are placed head-first in holes in the rock, with flames burning on the soles of their feet. o Bolgia 4: Sorcerers and false prophets have their heads twisted around on their bodies backward, so they can only see what is behind them. (Canto XX) o Bolgia 5: Corrupt politicians (barrators) are immersed in a lake of boiling pitch, guarded by devils, the Malebranche ("Evil Claws" wink . o Bolgia 6: The bridge over this bolgia is broken: the poets climb down into it and find the Hypocrites listlessly walking along wearing gold-gilded lead cloaks. o Bolgia 7: Thieves, guarded by the centaur (as Dante describes him) Cacus, are pursued and bitten by snakes. The snake bites make them undergo various transformations, with some resurrected after being turned to ashes, some mutating into new creatures, and still others exchanging natures with the snakes, becoming snakes themselves that chase the other thieves in turn. (Cantos XXIV and XXV) o Bolgia 8: Fraudulent advisors are encased in individual flames. o Bolgia 9: A sword-wielding devil hacks at the sowers of discord. As they make their rounds the wounds heal, only to have the devil tear apart their bodies again. o Bolgia 10: Groups of various sorts of falsifiers (alchemists, counterfeiters, perjurers, and impersonators) are afflicted with different types of diseases. (Cantos XXIX and XXX) The Ninth Circle is ringed by classical and Biblical giants. The giants are standing either on, or on a ledge above, the ninth circle of Hell, and are visible from the waist up at the ninth circle of the Malebolge. The giant Antaeus lowers Dante and Virgil into the pit that forms the ninth circle of Hell. (Canto XXXI)
• Ninth Circle. Traitors, distinguished from the "merely" fraudulent in that their acts involve betraying one in a special relationship to the betrayer, are frozen in a lake of ice known as Cocytus. Each group of traitors is encased in ice to a different depth, ranging from only the waist down to complete immersion. The circle is divided into four concentric zones: o Zone 1: Caïna, named for Cain, is home to traitors to their kindred. (Canto XXXII) o Zone 2: Antenora is named for Antenor of Troy, who according to medieval tradition betrayed his city to the Greeks. Traitors to political entities, such as party, city, or country, are located here. o Zone 3: Ptolomæa is probably named for Ptolemy, the captain of Jericho, who invited Simon Maccabaeus and his sons to a banquet and there killed them. Traitors to their guests are punished here. o Zone 4: Judecca is for traitors to their lords and benefactors. All of the sinners punished within are completely encapsulated in ice, distorted to all concieveable positions. Dante and Virgil, with no one to talk to, quickly move on to the center of hell. At the center is Satan, who has three faces, one red, one black, and one a pale yellow, each having a mouth that chews on a prominent traitor. Satan himself is represented as a giant, terrifying beast, weeping tears from his six eyes, which mix with the traitors' blood sickeningly. He is waist deep in ice, and beats his six wings as if trying to escape, but the icy wind that emanates only further ensures his imprisonment (as well as that of the others in the ring). The sinners in the mouths of Satan are Brutus and Cassius in the left and right mouths, respectively, who were involved in the assassination of Julius Caesar (an act which, to Dante, represented the destruction of a unified Italy), and Judas Iscariot (the namesake of this zone) in the central, most vicious mouth, who betrayed Jesus. Judas is being administered the most horrifying torture of the three traitors, his head in the mouth of Lucifer, and his back being forever skinned by the claws of Lucifer. (Canto XXXIV) What is seen here is a perverted trinity. Satan is impotent, ignorant, and evil while God can be attributed as the opposite: all powerful, all knowing, and good.
Costume reference pictures: (from: ragnarok online) – Assassin Cross assassin cross 2 High Wizard (mainly the pants) Gun Slinger Kingdom Hearts 2 - valor form Gaia items: Devil tail
Now I know I am pushing the envelope with this request but just note…that not every thing in the eighth realm needs to be shown on the costume. Also as I said earlier you can mix and match each of the clothes references as you see fit.
Something I would like to see is that the belt for this costume, I would like it to be the city wall of Dis.
Keyblades: in the picture I would like two: I want one to be called the Inferno and you can choose out of the other three, what you want to make:
Judge Minos Four rivers (the Acheron, the Styx, the Phlegethon, and finally Cocytus,.) Protector: Virgil and Cerberus (or any combination of the three)
( if it is possible for you to add a small/ simple back ground...could you have a road sign that my avi is leaning against/ near that reads, "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" )
In english "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" means "Abandon all hope, you who enter here"
Avi appearance – for the inferno I want Levi to seem cautious, being that he is going through hell. Also, I want him to be some what adventurous and a little bit courageous.
Purgatory: Dante starts the ascent on Mount Purgatory. On the lower slopes (designated as "ante-Purgatory" by commentators) Dante meets first a group of excommunicates, detained for a period thirty times as long as their period of contumacy. Ascending higher, he encounters those too lazy to repent until shortly before death, and those who suffered violent deaths (often due to leading extremely sinful lives). These souls will be admitted to Purgatory thanks to their genuine repentance, but must wait outside for an amount of time equal to their lives on earth (Cantos III through VI).
The gate of Purgatory is guarded by an angel who uses the point of his sword to draw the letter "P" (signifying peccatum, sin) seven times on Dante's forehead, abjuring him to "wash you those wounds within". The angel uses two keys, gold and silver, to open the gate and warns Dante not to look back, lest he should find himself outside the gate again. The colors of the three stairs that lead into actual purgatory are: white and mirror like: for self examination, Purple/black and rotten: representing sins, and Fire red for cleansing On the first three terraces of Purgatory are purified those whose sins were caused by perverted love, love directed toward vice instead of God.
• First Terrace: Pride, by carrying giant stones on their backs. The wearer is unable to stand up straight (Cantos X through XII). This teaches the sinner that pride puts weight on the soul and it is better to throw it off. Furthermore, there are carvings of historical and mythological examples of pride to learn from. With the weight on one's back, one cannot help but see this carved pavement and learn from it. At the ascent to the next terrace, an Angel clears a letter P from Dante's head. This process is repeated on each terrace. Each time a P is removed, Dante's body feels lighter, because he becomes less and less weighed down from sin.
• Second Terrace: Envy, by having one's eyes sewn shut, and wearing clothing that makes the soul indistinguishable from the ground (Cantos XIII through XV).
• Third Terrace: Wrath, by walking around in acrid smoke (Cantos XV through XVII). Souls correct themselves by learning how wrath has blinded their vision, impeding their judgment. On the fourth terrace we find sinners whose sin was that of deficient love - that is, sloth or acedia.
• Fourth Terrace: Sloth, by continually running (Cantos XVIII and XIX). Those who were slothful in life can only purge this sin by being zealous in their desire for penance. On the fifth through seventh terraces are those who sinned by loving good things, but loving them in a disordered way.
• Fifth Terrace: Avarice & Prodigality, by lying face-down on the ground, unable to move (Cantos XIX through XXI). Excessive concern for earthly goods - whether in the form of greed or extravagance - is punished and purified. The sinner learns to turn his desire from possessions, power or position to God. It is here that the poets meet the soul of Statius, who has completed his purgation and joins them on their ascent to paradise.
• Sixth Terrace: Gluttony, by abstaining from any food or drink (Cantos XXII through XXIV). Here, the soul's desire to eat a forbidden fruit causes its shade to starve. To sharpen the pains of hunger, the former gluttons on this terrace are forced to pass by cascades of cool water without stopping to drink.
• Seventh Terrace: Lust, by burning in an immense wall of flames (Cantos XXV through XXVII). All of those who committed sexual sins, both heterosexual and homosexual, are purified by the fire. Excessive sexual desire misdirects one's love from God and this terrace is meant to correct that. In addition, perhaps because all sin has its roots in love, every soul who has completed his penance on the lower six cornices must pass through the wall of flame before ascending to the Earthly Paradise. Here Dante, too, must share the penance of the redeemed as the last "P" is removed from his forehead. The ascent of the mountain culminates at the summit, which is in fact the Garden of Eden (Cantos XXVIII through XXXIII). This place is meant to return one to a state of innocence that existed before the sin of Adam and Eve caused the fall from grace. Here Dante meets Matilda (in Dante's spelling "Matelda," representing "Lady Philosophy," the object of Dante's affection after Beatrice's death and his embodiment of wisdom), a woman of grace and beauty who prepares souls for their ascent to heaven. With her Dante witnesses a highly symbolic procession that may be read as an allegorical masque of the Church and the Sacrament. One participant in the procession is Beatrice, whom Dante loved in childhood, and at whose request Virgil was commissioned to bring Dante on his journey. Dante drinks from the River Lethe, which causes the soul to forget past sins, and then from the River Eunoë, which effects the renewal of memories of good deeds. Thus purified, souls can direct their love fully towards God to the best of their inherent capability to do so. They are then ready to leave Mount Purgatory for Paradise. Being totally purged of sin, Purgatorio ends with Dante's vision aimed at the stars, anticipating his ascent to heaven.
Costume reference pictures: (from: ragnarok online) – sniper sniper 2 super novice(BELT ONLY) Kingdom Hearts 2 – none Gaia items: Gift of Athena Laurels
Keyblades: in the picture I would like two: I want one to be called the *Heaven’s Parade – (based off canto 29) and the other you can choose from the others
* The Reed * Angel’s keys - (found in canto 9) * Pure Radiance - (Beatrice and Lady Philosophy) * Ships of Angels/ the Redeemed – (canto 2)
For the belt of the costume I want a belt buckle to be a “P” with and “X” going through it. Also I want the belt to some what resemble the super novice belt only in the sense of the two loops coming off of it. I wan the loops preferable to be the color of the three stairs
Avi appearance – for the purgatory I want Levi to be a little bit more muscular in this picture than in the other two pictures because he will be working hard, purging himself to get to the top. I want him to look longing, to get to the top of the mountain.
Paradise: After an initial ascension (Canto I), Beatrice guides Dante through the nine spheres of Heaven. These are concentric and spherical, similar to Aristotelian and Ptolemaic cosmology. The addition of a moral dimension means that a soul that has reached Paradise stops at the level applicable to it. Souls are allotted to the point of heaven that fits with their human ability to love God. Thus, there is a heavenly hierarchy. All parts of heaven are accessible to the heavenly soul. That is to say all experience God but there is a hierarchy in the sense that some souls are more spiritually developed than others. This is not determined by time or learning as such but by their proximity to God (how much they allow themselves to experience him above other things). It must be remembered in Dante's schema that all souls in Heaven are on some level always in contact with God.
The nine spheres are: • First Sphere: The moon - those who abandoned their vows (Cantos II through V).
• Second Sphere: Mercury - those who did good out of a desire for fame (Cantos V through VII). Justinian recounts the history of the Roman Empire. Beatrice explains to Dante the atonement of Christ for the sins of humanity.
• Third Sphere: Venus - those who did good out of love (Cantos VIII and IX).
• Fourth Sphere: The sun - souls of the wise (Cantos X through XIV). Dante is addressed by King Solomon, who answers Dante's question about the doctrine of the resurrection of the body.
• Fifth Sphere: Mars - those who fought for Christianity (Cantos XIV through XVIII). The souls in this sphere form an enormous cross. Dante speaks with the soul of his ancestor Cacciaguida, who praises the former virtues of the residents of Florence, recounts the rise and fall of Florentine families, and foretells Dante's exile from Florence before finally introducing some notable warrior souls (among them Joshua, Roland, Charlemagne, Godfrey of Bouillon, and others).
• Sixth Sphere: Jupiter - those who personified justice (Cantos XVIII through XX).
• Seventh Sphere: Saturn - the contemplative (Cantos XXI and XXII). For example, Monks are found here.
• Eighth Sphere: The fixed stars - the blessed (Cantos XXII through XXVII). Here, Dante is tested on faith by Saint Peter, hope by Saint James, and love by Saint John the Evangelist. Dante justifies his medieval belief in astrology that the power of constellations draw themselves from God.
• Ninth Sphere: The Primum Mobile ("First/Best Mover" wink - angels (Cantos XXVII through XXIX). Beatrice leaves Dante with Saint Bernard who prays to Mary on behalf of Dante and Dante is allowed to see both Jesus and Mary. From here, Dante ascends to a substance beyond physical existence, called the Empyrean Heaven (Cantos XXX through XXXIII). Here he comes face-to-face with God Himself, and is granted understanding of the Divine and of human nature. His vision is improved beyond that of human comprehension. God appears as three equally large circles within each other representing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit with the essence of each part of God, separate yet one. The book ends with Dante trying to understand how the circles fit together, how the Son is separate yet one with the Father but as Dante put it "that was not a flight for my wings" and the vision of God becomes equally inimitable and inexplicable that no word or intellectual exercise can come close to explaining what he saw. Dante's soul, through God's absolute love, experiences a unification with itself and all things "but already my desire and my will were being turned like a wheel, all at one speed by the love that turns the sun and all the other stars" I want the majority of this costume to be based off the Lord knight Outfit. If you don’t like the cape of the knight the monk and the champion are great alternatives. If you don’t like the capes, wings will be fine, or both.
Costume reference pictures: (from: ragnarok online) – Lord knight champion monk 1 monk 2 Kingdom Hearts 2 – none on this one Gaia items: the Enlightened Pixie (with the pixie add a crown, an original crown not any of the gaian crowns, on his head)
Keyblades: in the picture I would like two: I want one to be called “Kingdom Come” (King of kings) and “Sunday Morning” (March of the saints)
Also if you want to you can make a third key blade called, “Levi’s Divine Comedy” based off the entire journey that was taken from hell, purgatory and paradise.
Avi appearance – for paradise I want Levi to look very, very peaceful/calm, wise/understanding and divine. After all this is the end of the Divine Comedy and his journey is finished and he has all the information form all three realms. I also I want Levi to appear as a guardian, watching over those who’ve yet to make the journey.
Levi Jones · Mon Jan 29, 2007 @ 05:31am · 0 Comments |