Teenager hood sucks to no end, and I can say that I'm glad I'm almost out of it..... I manage to keep myself from going off at the smallest things, but being that my parents are yelling about because they FINALLY quit smoking, I really need friends........ But I've missed most of my friends, and I REALLY miss talking to OtakuRyan, Zain, and others..... Gawddammit, I'm crying while typing this *smacks self* May not be a big deal to others, but right now this is my biggest speck of dust from the problem pile... I don't even have real inspiration to draw or write anymore... I just want to get away from home, in fact, life.... Kinda like wanting to go in a coma and never wake up until my parents nicrotine fits die down, and we have internet back again... Ones going to go away eventually, but the other thing, we'll probably never have for a longer time... Damn my life, and damn my frickin' mood at the damn moment... *goes off to find a quiet corner to cry at*
Mafdet of Egypt · Thu Jan 04, 2007 @ 07:46am · 4 Comments |