((NOT Gaia related, but funny and interesting regardless!!))
So this saturday was my company's xmas party in Edmonton.
Dinner, Entertainment, and a dance. Ohyeah, and drinks of course.
I actually had a great time! I got to meet a few people I was interested in meeting from other branches and Head Office.
I also had a good time visiting with people from work and their wives. (just so'z you know, I'm the only girl working in Calgary, so all there is to meet are wives)
I got Hypnotized!!!
Apparently.. it was a riot... but I feel as if I slept right through it. I have vauge memories of a few things... but they just sort of feel like things I did in dreams.
If you're one of those people that has realistic dreams that you could have sworn happened... an it was odd... the stuff I was doing should have embarassed me to death.. but all I remember was feeling a slight bit of embarasement... mostly for not being where I thought I should be... and I didnt feel embarassed at all..
Apparently, one of the skit's was that I'd won 50 million in the 649 lotto... and some one had stolen the lottery ticket of mine and it was in their pocket, so myself, and the rest of the ppl from stage, ran into the audience and started rooting through peoples pockets trying to find the ticket until the hypnotist (Norm Shaw) woke us up when most of us had our hands in strange peoples pockets.
I think I tried to pick pocket the OWNER's son tho.. funny thing was...it kinda hard to focus on individual people and outside noises.. all I could really hear was Mr. Shaw.
I gotta say... that was the weirdest part I think.. not really hearing, or paying attention to any thing but what he said.. it was wierd.. XD
So I'm going to "borrow" one of my co-workers copies, cuz his wife went under accidentally at the table, and I'm going to copy it an see what all I did..
I'm told Kipp almost died laughing, and Bridgette (D'arcy's wife) said I'm going to really "Get The Gears" from the guys tomorrow. I dont mind. Mostly because nothing I did, or think I did embarassed me.
.. not even being frozen while trying to pick a wedgie on stage... I'm sure that was one thing that happened....
OH! I DO remember one skit... I had a butterfly tattoo'd to a private area, and it started to try and fly away... now THAT was a ******** up feeling!!!
It TICKLED and I remember doubling over in my chair trying to keep it from flying away and to keep my dress from moving too much.... -_o lol
I also think I remember something about an Elbow Inspector... and trying to sneak back on stage after intermission while hiding from Mr. Shaw.
I tried to use first, my shop manager as a shield, but he wasnt cooperating.. then I saw Kipp and used him as well.. HE didnt cooperate either the bugger!! He walked right towards the guy I was trying to hide from! I remember THAT much....
It's very hard to explain. ... Tho it was nothing unpleasant at all. ^_^ At least.. not for me. Oh hell, there were some damned confusing moments!
Like when the girl beside me was told that the number 7 didnt exist, and she was asked to count her fingers. I couldnt, for the life of me, figure out why she had 11 fingers.. but I and the girl next to me had 10. Odd hey?
Then there was the guy who rode his chair around and "shooting" with his fingers when the Lone Ranger Theme played..... now that was odd!
It actually looked like.. to me.. maybe a few others.. that he was ACTUALLY riding a small grey pony.. until the music stopped and he woke up.. then I'd stare at him and wonder why the hell he moved his chair out into the middle of the room and what was he doing!?
I think he's the one that stomped on my right foot and gave me a nasty bruise when his pillow turned nasty on him.
DOnt ask. .I dont remember specifics.. all I think I remember is that we were sleeping (all of us) and then we woke up and there was something wrong with his pillow, because he jumped away violently and landed on my foot..... I dunno.. Like I said.. some of it's hazy and hard to remember.
We werent supposed to remember anything after the session either, until some one gave us a drink.
IT was SCREWY! We were all dancing (that was the order, to dance and not leave the floor until some one gave us a drink, then we'd be free of the compulsion and remember what we did that eveing.. well. .mostly). But a few of us could NOT, for the life of us.. figure out why we were losing all our dance partners when they got a drink..
Till we got our drinks.
I stood there, staring at Jerry (a guy from Red Deer, and a fave to pick on) with another girl (Jennifer)... we were honestly clinging to eachother adn staring at Jerry, watching as he was just dancing up a storm, then some one handed him a drink. He took a sip and kept dancing, then stopped.. stared at his drink, took another sip.. . stopped moving all together, stared around him, stared at us and Jennifer, took off his cowboy hat (I had a police hat on, Jennifer had a hardhat on) handed the hat to some one... and wandered away.
We figured it out after we had our drinks tho.. weirdest damned feeling.. I felt great, if some what fuzzy headed.. not like drunk fuzzy.. just half a sleep fuzzy still.. until Jeremy (a tech from my work) got me a drink.. and then it all sorta.. woke up... was SO messed up!
It was honestly two hours I was up there.. but it felt like ten minutes.
And apparently, once you've been hypnotized once, it's compounded after that.. you go under the next time twice as easy, twice as fast, and twice as deep.
I gotta say tho.. I"ve never been more relaxed than I can ever remember!
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