Guess who's back! That's right, it's Sunshine Bear with more burning shine to pierce your eyes. No, it's me. Nooooo~!
Goodness... high school can be so tiring. D: It's kinda sad since I'm already tired when I haven't even joined any clubs or got into any sports yet. So weak! So sad... But I'm gettin' used to it.
Hurrah, Hurrah! Finally, Veterans day is coming, Thanksgiving is coming too, and sooner or later, the bestest holiday ever born will come right around the corner...
CHRISTMAS!! W00t~!! And not to forget New Years after that. D: And I'm sure some of you prefer other holidays that are better than Christmas. coughhalloweencough
Don't get too drunk in New Years, darlings. XP Of course I won't get drunk. Stacie does not drink. Everyone will have a martini and I'll have apple cider. Minute Maid Apple Juice... that's good stuff.
I can't wait til Christmas comes. <3 It's just a month away! I wish we could've spent our Christmas at the Philippines with my relatives like last year. That was one heck of a Christmas. Especially, New Years. I slept through the countdown. D: You think I'd be wide awake with all that loud banging and fireworks outside, but I'm used to loud noises. They help me sleep a lot better actually. o_O; But it would've been nice to see them again. I really miss them. T _ T My padres told me that we were gonna go to the Philippines again in December 2008. But that's way too long. D: Oh well... time goes by fast nowadays, so it'll all be good.
...... Oh no! I'm getting old! DX
Yeah, well anyways, take care everyone! Oh and Happy Veterans Day AND Thanksgiving.
Yeeah, um, laterz.
~Stacie <3
Terra Meepers · Fri Nov 10, 2006 @ 05:39am · 0 Comments |